Sunday, November 15, 2009

Going Private

For a couple of reasons, I have decided to make my blog private. If you want to continue to read, leave a comment with your email address or email me and I will send you an invite. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I am just doing what I think is best for my family. Thanks:)


KennedyRose said...

I recently did the same thing after summer was over. I was getting nervous too. How did you know about the person from Russia looking? I am just curious because after I went private I put a counter on my blog for individual authorized email address and the counter is well over 7oo now. Thats not a good thing if its a private blog because I only have a handful of authorized viewers.

Rachel said...

Hey Kathy,
I have a visitors map on my blog. It doesn't tell me who is visiting, but rather where people are visiting from. I got it from That is weird, it should only be letting people authorized look at your blog.

Anonymous said...

katie said...

J, E, M & I said...

Please keep in touch! :)

Laura and Chris said...

Melanie said...

count me in.

I'll warn you though, I'm awful at checking private blogs but I do check them at least every few months.

Heather said...

Maureen said...

Michelle said...

K+C=M+K said...

I can understand that. I will probably go private here soon too! I think you have my email, but just in case:
Love ya!

Sergio Aguilar said...

Hey Jason and Rachel,
I just found your blog as a link on Ashley Albright's (Gould). How fun to see your adorable little girl! Are you adopting again? I'm so happy for you guys! I'd love to see how things develop in your sweet family!

Best of luck!
Ashley (Blackburn) Aguilar

Jen & Johnny said...

I would love an invite to your blog!!
We LOVE you guys!!! And we are so excited for your new baby coming in just 2 short months!!! XOXOXOXO

Brittany said...

Amy D said...

Cam said...