Monday, October 12, 2009

BFF: "Neah+Das"

When we found out that we were having a girl, two of our closest friends (both couples had baby boys) texted me within seconds of each other "claiming" Laneah for their little boy. Well, Dallas' mom, Kami, sent the first text and thus began the "betrothal" of Dallas and Laneah. (And I am using quotes because it is all in fun; Laneah and Dallas aren't really betrothed). Since Kami and I are great friends, we have play dates together with our kids. And to our surprise, Laneah and Dallas have this amazing connection. Most kids their age don't play with other kids, but Laneah and Dallas play together, and Dallas is even a year older than Laneah. These two can't spend enough time together, and when they are together, they are inseparable. They constantly talk about each other when apart. Dallas calls her "Neah" and Laneah calls him "Das". Laneah asks me at least once a day about "Das". And Dallas does the same with Laneah. (Also he used to call me Rachel, but now he just calls me "Mommy Neah" LOL)For one play date we went to Chuck E Cheese and when we left to get lunch across the street, Laneah and Dallas held hands and walked down the sidewalk together. Luckily, Kami had her camera handy because it was very unexpected, but so cute.

Dallas just walked up to Laneah and gave her a hug.
Dallas likes to make Laneah laugh. He makes funny faces and she cracks up.
Playing their favorite game of "chase". Laneah will scream and then run, and Dallas will scream and run after her while they scream and laugh.

Playing the piano on a play date.
They both like to pet dogs.

At music makers during marching band.

Dancing at a Kidsinger Jim concert.
Eating popsicles together on a playdate.

Dallas likes to copy Laneah. When she decided to take a rest on the floor, so did he.

My favorite story of the two happened about a month ago. We were playing outside with Laneah and Dallas was walking down the street with his dad and little sister. Dallas saw Laneah and shouted: "Neah!" She looked up and they smiled and started running to each other arms open wide. Dallas was yelling "I comin' Neah, I comin'!" Right when he got close, Laneah turned and ran so he had to chase her and they started to play. It was the sweetest thing. We hope that they will stay best friends for a long time.


Heather said...

That is so stinkin cute. Laneah's first crush! You'll be able to torment her with this story one day soon.

K+C=M+K said...

Those are the most adorable pictures ever!! What a sweet pair:) I loved watching Laneah dance- she is getting so big! It makes me sad that I haven't even gotten to play with her yet but think I might have to come out when baby#2 comes in January!!

Rachel said...

That would be fun. You know we would love to have you anytime:)

Nana said...

I love seeing them together! You know they had to know each other in the pre-mortal life.

katie said...

That is too precious! SO cute!

Giron Family said...

Aww what a sweet post. How cute are they??? We would happily accept Laneah into the Boyd family. LOL! Laneah Boyd has a nice ring to it. Ha ha!

Kami said...

So cute! I love all the pics I may just have to copy and paste your post onto my blog to save myself some work :) I am so glad they are such good buddies, I love watching them play together, they are too cute.

Derrick Boyd said...

Awesome Post Rach - those two are so cute together. I loved them holding hands!