Friday, September 11, 2009

Just Monkeying Around

I took Laneah for a walk yesterday, and since she can run off really fast and likes to dart into the streets and parking lots, I had her wear the monkey harness. She loved having the monkey on her back, she thought it was really funny.
I love this picture of her.

After our walk, she wanted to keep it on and play in front of the house.

She played with some chalk.
And did some somersaults
And rolled around in the grass
She just looked so cute in her monkey backpack I couldn't resist taking her pictures. While we were walking up the street towards the school holding hands, we looked at each other, and with her back pack on, I flashed forward to the future when I would be walking her to the school up the street and I teared up. Don't grow up too fast little one.


J, E, M & I said...

Time does just fly by... Micah started pre K today. I feel like just yesterday we got him.

Your monkey is super cute! wink!

Caroline said...

So sweet! I love her! The moneky is cute too.

Heather said...

We bought the puppy harness for the same reason you bought the monkey, but never had to use it. Thankfully, the running off phase was short lived. It looks super cute on her.

Al said...

she looks more and more cute every time i see her! i miss you guys!

Michelle said...

I love the monkey harness. We have the bear one for the exact same reason!

Katie said...

Gotta LOVE the monkey backpack! It was a MUST when I took Mia on outings because she was a runner. Luckily she doesn't need it anymore, but "George" is still her friend...