Thursday, September 10, 2009

Music Makers

Today Music Makers started and we were very excited. Music Makers is for kids nursery and preschool age and is lots of fun with singing, dancing, story time and marching band. And the best part is it is a free weekly activity because the moms of the groups take turns with the activities and it is at the church.
Laneah during movement time with a bean bag.

Laneah and Dallas during marching band.
Luke and Danny during singing time getting 'eaten by a snake'.
Laneah and Dallas during singing time.

The kids during dancing time. Everyone had a great time and we can't wait to go back next week.


Kandice said...

How fun! I miss music makers!! It makes me miss you guys and Crofton too.

katie said...

It's so fun to have you guys there!!

Nana said...

It looks like so much fun! Did Laneah get her bean bag back? I LOVE YOU GUYS!