Thursday, April 23, 2009

Swim Lessons

This week Laneah and I started 'Mommy and Me' swim lessons. Laneah has never been a fan of water, and since summer is coming up, we thought it would be a good idea to get her into the water to adjust. They just built this swim school close to our house and it is really great. The pool is heated and very warm. They have locker rooms as well as individual changing rooms. They had to delay the opening of the school for nearly a month because of construction issues, so we had to make up some classes. I thought it would be nice if Jason could take her so he could spend some time with her in the pool (there are classes are offered in the evening too and of course, dads are welcome). Jason and Laneah both had a good time. Laneah has already improved in her acceptance of the water. Some of the pictures aren't very good quality because I had to take them through the glass (you aren't allowed in the pool area if you are not swimming; you have to sit in the observation room). But it was fun to watch them interact in the pool. I am really looking forward to the rest of the lessons.


Nana said...

Laneah looks so cute in her swim suit! I'm glad Jason was able to share in the fun of the lessons. We are so excited about your visit, and wish Jason could come too.