Friday, April 10, 2009

Our New Backyard!

We are so blessed! Jason's grandpa's company came and fixed up our back yard this week. The fence was falling down and it was a giant mud pit. Nothing can grow back there because it is such a shady area with all of the trees surrounding the property. So they poured concrete in the back and put up a new fence. It looks wonderful. My parents bought Laneah this cute little playhouse and we got her a slide and an adorable crab sandbox. And today we bought a really nice grill, I can't wait to cook on it! It is so nice to have a fun back yard and Laneah loves it. Thanks Grandpa, Kathy and Uncle Johnny!

This is the part of the back yard that is fixed up. The other side will have the grill and patio furniture.
Ha, Ha, I know, already messy. This kid doesn't waste any time:) I put the slide in the sandbox so she would have something soft to land on. I'm just a little over protective;)
Laneah playing in the sand box. She loves to dump the sand out of the sandbox....I guess I'm going to have to buy more sand:)
It was such a nice day, warm and 65. I was able to put these adorable flip flops on Laneah.
Playing with her play house. I love that it has a picnic table. She loves to sit on the little benches and also pick them up and carry them around.
Apparently, the pretend food tastes really good:)
Laneah loves the door to the play house. It also has a doorbell that has several different rings.
Just having fun, enjoying the new back yard:)


Caroline said...

What a little cutie.I am loving the new back yard. I also love Laneah's little fat fee. They look so adorable in those flip flops! Did you go back to blonde yet?

Nana said...

The back yard looks Great! I'm so glad your little family has a place to enjoy the sunshine.

J, E, M & I said...

It is a great space! I'm sure you will have lots of family fun out there!

Anonymous said...

It looks so nice!! And Laneah get even more adorable everyday!

Heather said...

You're never going to be able to get her inside now! What a great new place for her to explore. I would LOVE to have a fence.

Giron Family said...

So nice! This will make your summer! It's great to have a fenced in place to play. I bet Laneah is loving it!

Unknown said...

can't wait to come see your yard!! I love out door spaces and living!! and it is a must with little ones! Have fun