Saturday, April 4, 2009

The National Zoo

While my mom and sister were in town, we went to the National Zoo in D.C. The weather was supposed to be nice, but it ended up being cold with a misty rain; I ended up buying a sweat shirt at the gift shop because I was so cold. We still had a great time though. We took the Metro into the city and Laneah thought it was a fun ride. Every time we would start moving she would throw her arms in the air and say "weeee!" Laneah loved looking at all the animals. They have a kids farm at the zoo and Laneah ran from one fence to the other looking at all the farm animals.

I thought that the coolest part of the zoo was the Orangutan crossing. They actually call it the "O Line", like it is a Metro line. They built this tower in the Orangutan cage and the Orangutans can climb to the top of the tower and then climb to 8 other towers throughout the zoo. As we were leaving the zoo, we saw this sign and laughed and decided to take a picture. While we were taking the picture, an Orangutan started climbing directly over us. We got a cool video of it and I posted it below.

Laneah was so tired from running around that she passed out on the Metro ride home. She loved the zoo so I imagine that we will be going plenty more times this summer.


Nana said...

It was so great spending time with you,Laneah and Jason! I love you all very much. Laneah was so happy and fun, what a joy she is in my life!The zoo was a great adventure.

Katie said...

What a fun outting! She's getting so big!

lisa said...

I love the zoo! I am so glad you got to spend time with Nana. We grandma's need to stick together for more time. lol She is growing so fast. Love the picture of you two in the sign.
Ashley is totally freaked out that you have seen New Moon trailers.

katie said...

I love the zoo!

KennedyRose said...

How cute! Its so much fun to watch them grow and learn about this big beautiful world. Btw.. Love the monkey. Kyla has one too. I am a very nervous mommy and am not afraid to use it. Especially in busy places. You are such a great mom.