Monday, March 9, 2009

Miss Chatterbox

Laneah has loved our cell phones for a long time. But right now she likes to play with all toy phones and even thinks that some things are phones (ex-remote controls) that are not. She walks around with her "phones" and has the funniest conversations. Sometimes she just babbles, and sometimes she will just say "hi...bye" over and over again. But the funniest thing is that a lot of times she puts the phone on her shoulder or behind her head instead of to her ear and mouth. This video she is carrying around her toy phone having a little conversation. Pardon the messy room, she loves to make a mess.


Heather said...

She is such a doll.

Shilowe said...

How cute! Thank you so much for coming to visit us. It really meant a lot for us to meet sweet Laneah and to see what wonderful parents you are. Bless you all!

K+C=M+K said...

I love it! So cute! I just want to squeeze her to pieces, but I won't I promise;) Gosh, I need to get my butt out there to visit!

Anonymous said...

I love her sweet voice. When she talks it almost sounds like she is singing. I can't wait to hold her in my arms. and follow her around, and play play play!