Wednesday, March 11, 2009


For some reason, Laneah loves to put buckets (sand pails, baskets, etc) over her head and walk around. It is so cute. She will just pick up a bucket and start walking. She thinks it is so funny and she laughs, claps and of course, trips. Sometimes she uses it to play peek-a-boo too. Adorable. Now if only she would wear her hats......


K+C=M+K said...

Little buckethead!! I was laughing so hard for that video! What fun you girls have together:)

Anonymous said...

When I need a lift,I watch our little buckethead. It just makes me laugh! I'm so excited to see you all soon!!

Giron Family said...

So cute! I liked when she clapped. Silly girl.

Al said...

I LOVE THIS VIDEO!! i have the cutest niece in the world! :D