Friday, March 20, 2009

Chuck E Cheese

Today we went with my sister-in-law Jen and nephew Blake to Chuck E Cheese. Laneah had a good time in the toddler section where they had a little playground with a slide. She climbed up the steps to the play area and then I think she wanted to get down so she turned to go down backwards, but instead of going down the steps, she went down the slide. Her face was priceless! She looked at me like 'what the heck, I'm sliding?'. She liked it so much that she ran back over to the steps, climbed in the play area and then to my astonishment, went down head first giggling. She did that over and over for a while and I got a little video clip of it. She also went on one of those little kiddie rides for the first time and loved it. We ordered pizza and while we waited, Laneah and Blake danced away to the Chuck E Cheese puppets and their songs. Then Chuck E Cheese himself came over. Blake gave him a high five and Laneah was curious about him but didn't want to get too close. She loved the puppets though, I could hardly get her to eat pizza and ice cream because she was so into them! After we left, she passed out in the car, she was really worn out. Thanks Blake and Jen for inviting us to a fun day at Chuck E Cheese!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much her hair has grown! We are going to have so much fun. I love you guys!

Al said...

i miss laneah!! she's getting so big!

Denae said...

Ah sweet, sweet girl. She is so adorable! I love her long hair.

Unknown said...

oh my word!! I can't believe she really went down the slide head first! That was great~ she is going to be a dare devil!!!

Heather said...

Isabella loves that place, too. I personally think it's hell, but what do I know? :) The one we go to here is always jam's crazy. But as long as Laneah likes it, that's all that matters.