Friday, November 28, 2008


This Thanksgiving we were invited to Doug and Lieu's house along with Derrik and Kami, and Jeremy and Jessica. We had a great time and Lieu is such a good hostess.

I made these cupcakes Wed night with my nephew, Anthony (3). He loves to cook and decorate, just not for very long:) While we were pouring the batter into the cupcake tins he sighed and said, "um...when are we going to decorate?" I told him to go play while I finished. When the cupcakes had cooked and cooled he came in and helped me decorate one, ate it, and then left to play:) Oh well, I had fun anyway.
Didn't Lieu do a great job with the ambiance? I loved the decorations. She even made little name cards for our place settings.

Laneah and Dallas weren't really interesting in eating so they left the table to play. All the girls! Laneah, me, Jessica, Kami and Scarlette!
The turkey that Jessica and Kami made. Good job girls, it was delicious!
Jessica and Jeremy munching on some good snacks Lieu had put out.

Lieu had a little push toy shopping cart that Laneah wanted to play with all night. She is really into walking now. She wants us to walk with her or walk using her push toys all the time now. When she uses her push toys, she is getting pretty fast but she can't steer so she is constantly getting stuck or ramming into things, so funny. In this video she rams into the trash can and then falls on her bum:)

For dessert Lieu had made 4 kinds of delicious pies. She put the pumpkin pie outside to cool and put a top over it. When Doug took Laneah and I outside to see their dog, Hank, the pie was gone. Hank ate the entire pumpkin pie! LOL

We had a great Thanksgiving with our friends. Hope you all had a good time too!


Giron Family said...

I'm in love with those turkey cupcakes! Those would have come in handy for Madi's "feast" at preschool. I just made regular old chocolate chip cookies. So not creative! Making those cupcakes for sure next year!
I heard the dinner was awesome. So glad you guys could go keep my 'rents company on the holiday! They loved having all you guys over.

K+C=M+K said...

Fun, fun fun! Happy Thanksgiving to you guys! Wish you were closer so we could share our leftovers and enjoy turkey sandwiches together. Is it freezing there yet? still wanting to come see you, I'm crossing my fingers!!

Katie said...

Those cupcakes are so cute! The food looks amazing too!

Unknown said...

hay Rach- fun Thanksgiving post!!! it was great having you all here!