Sunday, November 23, 2008

11 months (my snuggle bunny)

Laneah turned 11 months on Thursday. I can't believe how fast my baby is growing! Here are some things that our little piglet has been up to:

  • Finally! Laneah will snuggle! She was so active, she just wanted to see everything and get into everything, she didn't have time to snuggle:) She still doesn't do it all the time, but she is starting to want to snuggle a lot more. I take every chance I can!
  • As soon as she hit 10 months, she became obsessed with books. Before that, she didn't want anything to do with them. Now she is constantly flipping through books. She also wants you to read books to her, which is great. One day, I was reading a book to her that is a touch and feel baby animals book. I was taking her hand and showing her how to feel the different textures, and after doing that a few times, she took my hand and made me feel the animal:)
  • The baby in the mirror is her best friend. She loves playing with her friend in the mirror. She loves to give her kisses and head nudges. (For whatever reason, she likes to rub foreheads to show affection).
  • Laneah loves to flip our bottom lips, except her motor skills aren't that great, so she rakes your whole face until she gets to your lip and flips it. She thinks it is so funny and does it over and over again.
  • She is fascinated with anything that she can pull up and down. Ex-lids (she loves the lid to her wipes) , rugs, etc.
  • We were working with her for over a month to get her to clap. She loved when we clapped, but when we would try to get her to do it, she would just take our hands and make us clap instead of doing it herself. A couple of weeks ago, Jason had to help his Grandpa in the morning so he left and Laneah was sad that he left. When he came back, Laneah saw him come in the door, got really excited and started clapping!!! Cutest story ever. Ever since then, she claps all the time. But she seemed to really make the connection that you clap when you are excited or happy, which is great that she can pick up on that social cue. (Pardon the mess in this video, Laneah got into the laundry basket and spread clothes everywhere:)
  • She likes eating table food a lot. She is very independent and now she only wants to feed herself, so she gets really upset if we try to feed her anything:) This is what she looks like after she feeds herself.
  • She likes to sing. She sings to herself sometimes, but mostly she likes to sing along with mommy. She has a very soft and sweet voice and gets really excited when we sing in church. Her favorite song is still Old McDonald.
  • Laneah likes to help us unload the dishwasher:)
  • Laneah has a great vocabulary for her age. Her favorite word is "baby". She also says "mommy", "mama", "dada", "ke ka" (kitty kat), "mimi" (grandma), "ball", "bee" (her favorite book is Hello Bee), "hi" and "bye bye"
  • She is starting to dance, but won't do it for the camera. It is really cute, I will post a video once I can get one.
  • She likes to turn light switches on and off, especially the pull down ones that are attached to the fans.
  • Laneah loves to walk using her push toys, chairs and holding onto furniture.
  • She has 6 teeth now, 4 top and two bottom, and is still teething, although I am not sure which teeth are coming in right now.
  • Laneah likes to climb. Right now she keeps thinking that she can climb up onto the coffee table and she sure tries. She can make it up onto the couch if you put a throw pillow on the floor for her to step up on. This picture is of her after she climbed up onto on of our end tables.
  • Our little girly girl loves shoes and jewelry. She is constantly playing with our shoes, although she never keeps her shoes on:) And she is always pulling at my jewelry. I don't wear much anymore because she has broken so many necklaces. She also loves pulling everything out of my purse and playing with my purse.
  • Most babies have a special blankie or stuffed animal, but Laneah loves her burp clothes. Not one in particular, any one works. She likes to snuggle with them, rub them on her cheek, or lay on it like she is using it as a pillow. It is really cute.

Some things that aren't so cute (advice please!)
  • She loves to gag herself. She sticks her fingers down her throat and gags herself all the time. She will do it with one hand and then when I take that hand away, she uses her other hand!!! I have no idea why she does this.
  • She loves to drink bath water. I have tried bringing her sippy cup to the bath, leaving the water running and fill up a cup from it and let her drink from that...nothing works so far.
  • She is testing boundaries. Ex- she loves the trash can in the kitchen. As soon as we are in the kitchen, she goes straight for the trash can. I tell her "you can't touch the trash can, it is dirty" and then I take her to the fridge to let her play with her magnets. And then she sits down and crawls right back to the trash can. And we do this all day, every day, with everything that she is not supposed to touch/do.
  • It is nearly impossible to change her diaper. She will not stay still for a half of a second unless she is trying to grab her poo! So much fun.
  • Will she ever stop pulling my hair????
  • She will not keep her shoes, socks, or hats on and it is freezing outside.
  • She thinks mommy is a jungle gym and a drum set

Laneah is the sweetest baby. She loves to laugh, play and entertain. We love her so much!


K+C=M+K said...

Those are such great pictures Rach! And i love reading about your little girl since I am not there to know her personally (yet) It sounds like you are the perfect mother and that Laneah is the perfect daughter! She really is (and I don't say this to everyone) the cutest little girl I have seen in a long long time! I can't wait to see how gorgeous she is when she grows up! My favorite pic is the one where she is covered in spaghetti- r you serious??!! THat is hilarious! She looks so fun!

Anonymous said...

How can a baby who was already the most beautiful baby in the world, just keep getting more beautiful? I love her so much it hurts! Thank you for taking time to share fun stories and great pictures. It's great to be able to see her even though I'm far away. I'm so happy I get to give her a Birthday party and spoil her and give her lots of hugs and kisses. Christmas is going to be the best ever!What a great joy you and Jason and of course LANEAH are to me. I love your sweet family.

Kami said...

It is so fun to see updates on Laneah, I can't believe how big she is doing and how much she can do! As for all the frustrating things she does, Dal did them all too, he still drinks bath water-gross, but I haven't figured out how to stop him either, if you figure it out let me know.