Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Bewitching Halloween

Laneah and I dressed up as witches for Halloween this year. We met up with cousins Anthony (dressed as a vampire) and Blake (dressed as Frankenstein) to go Trick or Treating. Laneah looked so adorable in her witch costume, but she didn't like her hat very much, so she kept pulling it off. Jason took her door to door while I took picture after picture:) Jason had a good time picking out what candy he wanted to eat since Laneah doesn't get to eat any of her goodies this year. When we got home, we piled all of the candy around her (I wanted a picture of it) and she went crazy. She started kicking the candy all around, laughing, throwing candy in the air and rolling around it! It was hilarious! It was a fun Halloween and I can't wait for next year!


The Belnap Family said...

Halloween was a blast, and thanks for the comment. Your little one is darling. We hope that our next will be a little girl when we do try again. Hope you don't mind us getting the song from you guys. I had wanted to put something on our blog and when I heard the song on yours, it was the one. Keep the updates coming, I love seeing what is going on. BRYCE

Anonymous said...

Laneah is the cutest witch of all time! I loved spending time with her and you and Jason. Thanks for being such loving parents to Laneah.

Anonymous said...

AWWWW!!!!!! I have the cutest niece in the world!! I can't wait till I'm out there!

Kandice said...

SO CUTE! I'm glad you went with the witch costume - she looked adorable. Trunk or treat looked like fun. We miss you guys!

lisa said...

My favorite witch! She is adorable.

Al said...

all i have to say is WOW! halloween looks like it was a blast :D i don't know if there was any kind of costume contest, but if there was laneah would have won all the prizes for sure.

K+C=M+K said...

What a cute witch! Laneah is so beautiful... And I was quite impressed with how much candy that girl got! Whoo hoo!!

Giron Family said...

Are you serious?! She looks so so so freakin cute! I love it! You guys made awesome witches. Too adorable.

Kami said...

I love that we both put the same pic on our blog, too funny. You two made the cutest witches ever. Love the slide show!