Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Nana Dos"

So my mom is in town, which has been lots of fun. She has been playing with Laneah's hair and calling the styles "Nana Dos", which cracks me up. She had to sit Laneah in the sink to do her hair because Laneah can't get enough of her "friend" in the mirror. My mom managed to get Laneah's hair to do two different styles: a Pebble's type hairdo and little pigtails, both of which are adorable. But don't take my word for it, just check out the pictures:)


Melanie said...

I can't even stand how cute she is. Love the NanaDos

Taryn said...

she is so deliciously cute! how about you clone her for me?

K+C=M+K said...

Love that angel! Her hair looks great by the way; grandma is going to have to move in permanently and be Laneah's personal hairdresser! :)

Al said...

this is seriously the cutest baby girl in the entire world!!!