Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall Fun!

What a fun time of year. The leaves are starting to change color, the weather is nice, and soon we get to dress up for Halloween! Today was a jam packed family day. First we went to the Homestead Garden's Fall Festival with Aunt Megan, Uncle Tony, Aunt Jen, Uncle Pierson, and Anthony and Blake. The festival had all kinds of rides and games like a tractor pull ride, pumpkin bowling, painting pumpkins, pony rides, hay rides, face painting and more. The kids had a great time. Anthony rode on the tractor ride and got his face painted. Blake and Anthony both had fun pumpkin bowling. And Laneah went on her first pony ride. She wasn't in the best of moods at the beginning of the day, but after her lunch she was all smiles and giggles. We all went on the hayride and Laneah enjoyed that because the wind was in her hair and face (at home, she crawls up to the little fan we have in her room to drown out sound and sticks her face in front of it and laughs). After the festival we all went to the Chick Fil-A where Grandma Kathy works and got lunch. We took Laneah home for her afternoon nap and I made my apple pie. After the nap, we met up with the family again at Jordon's (Pierson's oldest son) football game. Anthony and Blake entertained Laneah by blowing bubbles for her and then chased Uncle Jason around the field and tackled him. After cousin Jordon won his football game, we had dinner and then all enjoyed homemade apple pie and vanilla ice cream to end a fun-filled fall day!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day for all of you. You all look great! Laneah is the most beautiful pumpkin in all the land. Love, Nana

Roulstone's said...

Rachel-what cute fall pictures! Fall is the best isn't it!? I love Laneah's little earrings. They look so cute on her.

K+C=M+K said...

Such cute pictures Rach! I loved the slide show with Laneah and the pumpkins:) Pumpkin bowling looks really fun! And as always, you look great! Is your daughter going to turn out to be a blondie? I can't tell! But either way, she's beautiful!

Cam said...

That sounds like a practically perfect day. I love this time of year too. You guys are so much fun!

Jen & Johnny said...

What fun!!! I love those pictures of your little pumpkin with all the other pumpkins!! So fun!! You guys are a such a darling family!!!!

Giron Family said...

Love that cute bow!
The fall festival was fun, wasn't it? Sorry I scared your little pumpkin.:) Poor thing.
It was nice to see the whole family there. It's a good family event. Glad I got to see you guys while we were in MD.