Sunday, September 21, 2008

Megan and Tony's Wedding

Yesterday Jason's sister Megan got married. Jen (my sister-in-law) and I were her bridesmaids. The wedding was an outdoor wedding and the weather was really nice. Megan looked stunning and her dress was gorgeous. The colors were green and ivory. Since my dress was green, I found a really pretty lavender dress for Laneah (for $10 at Babies R Us:) and had Jason wear his lavender tie. Poor Laneah was tired and teething (her top teeth are ready to pop out any time now) and she screamed during the entire ceremony! She did pretty good at the reception though and everyone was great in trying to soothe her or make her laugh. The food was catered by a BBQ restaurant and the cake was layered with pineapple, guava, passion fruit and strawberry and topped with a coconut flavored frosting. Megan shoved cake all over Tony's face and that was funny. Their son, Anthony, was the ring bearer and looks absolutely adorable in his little tux! It was a fun and exhausting day. I put together a slide show with some of the pictures.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Night at the Park

The other night was great. The weather was beautiful and we decided to walk to the park. The park is about a mile away. Laneah is finally enjoying walks in her stroller (of course at the end of summer:) I have taken her to the park a couple of times, but Jason had never been (he doesn't really like to walk). So it was a treat for me to have my hubby and my baby enjoying the outdoors with me. We walked to park and there was another little girl the same age as Laneah in one of the baby swings. Laneah and this little girl would just look at each other and laugh. It was so cute. Laneah loves the swings and would get so excited when daddy pushed her. The other little girl was sitting back and holding on, and Laneah, the little dare devil, was leaning forward with her arms out! (She is going to love roller coasters later in life.)

After swinging for a while, we took Laneah to the slide. Jason would start her at the top of the slide and help her slide all the way down. She loved it. Whenever he would take her to the top of the slide, she would kick her feet in anticipation.

Here is a video of her going down the slide. It is really cute. I have no idea why the videos on my new camera load sideways. Any camera savvy people who can help me out?

Jason wanted to walk some of the way home with Laneah on his shoulders. Laneah was thrilled, she loves being on daddy's shoulders.

Laneah loves to slap and bang things, even daddy's head. I was cracking up and had to get a video of it. (Heather, I know you'll appreciate this video:) And what's weird is this video isn't sideways ???? Hmmm....

Our New Bling

So I was walking around the mall on Monday pushing Laneah in her stroller and I saw a little girl getting her ears pierced. I have always wanted to get Laneah's ears pierced but was just so nervous! I had wanted Jason to come for support, but I decided to be brave. I went to the Piercing Pagoda kiosk because they are professionals, not some random teenager at Claires. I was really nervous and asked the guy all kinds of questions. He said that when it comes to ear piercing, the younger, the better. So I picked out her earrings, but was still debating because I didn't want to possibly hurt her for vanity. Since I haven't worn earrings since high school, my holes had closed. I decided that I would get mine pierced first and that if it didn't hurt, I would get hers done too. I felt like a tug on my ear and then he went to my other ear and I asked him, "did you do it?" because seriously, I didn't really feel anything. This made me a lot more comfortable in getting Laneah's ears pierced. She cried for about a minute and then she was fine. And she looks adorable! I will tell you though, she does not like me to clean her ears. It has been really difficult for me to clean them well and they are a little pink. Any tips?

Laneah and I with our new earrings. (Jason took three pictures and cut my head off on each one!)

Laneah looking so cute with her new earrings. She has been doing this all month where she uses her tongue to suck on her upper lip (I think it is because her upper teeth are getting ready to come in). It is so cute though, I love it.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Part 2- Beach Trips

We made it to the beach twice on our trip. The weather was beautiful the entire trip. The first beach we went to was Yorktown Beach. The great thing about Yorktown is that it is pretty much where the Revolutionary War ended. British Commander Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown with 1/3 of the British Army. We even went to the house where the treaty was signed (yep, the house is still there) So cool. Anyway, Laneah really liked this beach because it was on the bay so the water was really calm and pretty warm. She loved the sand, and took fists full of sand to her mouth multiple times. She was constipated for a couple days afterwards:) Silly girl. She really enjoyed the beach this time.

This is her excited face.
Playing in the water.
Out with mommy and daddy in the water.
This is Laneah playing in the sand. She is doing her newest favorite move, which I call the ballerina because she holds her hands and pulls them over her head and then puts them back down. She loves to do it over and over. I think it is so cute. I have no idea why the video is sideways, and I am too tired to figure it out. sorry.

Thomas dug a hole in the sand and put her in it. She liked it because she was able to stand without our help:)
Daddy drying her off.
On Labor Day we went to Virginia Beach. It was a beautiful day and we thought that the beach would be packed, but it wasn't. The waves were pretty big, I assume from the hurricane in the gulf area, and it really scared her. Every time we got close to the waves, she would cry. Eventually we were able to coax her to just get the waves lapping at her feet by clapping and yelling "weee!" when a wave would come up. Then she started laughing and jumping and wasn't as scared. She didn't want to get any closer though.
She had so much sand on her face, it looks like she has a five o clock shadow:)

Once again we had a great time. Thanks Thomas, we miss you!