Friday, April 11, 2008

Laneah with the Cherry blossom trees

It has been gorgeous weather here the past couple of days. I have been so excited for the warm weather so that I could go on long walks. And wouldn't you know it, Laneah doesn't like her stroller and she doesn't like being outside! But the weather was so nice so we took her for a walk in her bjorn carrier and she did better in that than her stroller. Still she wasn't happy to be outside or held next to a tree, but I love the cherry blossom trees and wanted a couple of photos of her with the trees while they were in bloom.


Taryn said...

oh what cute pictures of laneah!!

Heather said...

Isabella is the exact opposite...she would be outside all day if we let her! At least we're all going to have an awesome tan this summer :)