Friday, April 11, 2008

The only mullet I have ever liked

So my daughter has a mullet. I knew it was bad when Jason came home from work the other day and said "wow, look at her mullet... do you think we should cut it"? Her mullet is where her baby hair didn't fall out and it is darker and thicker than the rest and is right at the base of her neck. The rest of her hair is lighter and very sparse:) It is so funny I had to post some pics. And no, I am not going to cut it.

So in other news, Laneah rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time today! And she did it twice. She is such a strong baby! She is really starting to like new things and anything that you wouldn't think was interesting is interesting to her. She loves, and I mean loves, water bottles. We drink Deer Park water and she gets so excited when she sees it. She coos and kicks her feet and smiles. It is hilarious. Jason often teases me and asks why I even buy her toys when she is so fascinated by items like water bottles. What a funny little girl we have.


K+C=M+K said...

That is the most awesome mullet I have ever seen! I can't believe it! Yeah, I think it's so funny when babies get that:) It was so good talking and catching up with you today Rach, I love you and miss you! I'm going to have to investigate some airfares:)

Heather said...

I love it! They're going to kill us for posting pictures like this one day. She has such a cute little face that no one will even notice the mullet :)