Monday, April 21, 2008

Flowers, flowers and more flowers

We have been trying to get Laneah used to being outdoors. She really likes flowers. We let her play with the tulips on in our front yard and she ripped one off and tried to eat it!

We put a pretty little flower behind her ear and she looked so cute.


Jen & Johnny said...

She is such a beautiful little girl!! We can't wait to see you guys again!! I am so happy you set up a blog.... now we can see Laneah more!!! We love you guys!!! You all look so GREAT!!

Taryn said...

yay! posts! she is so unbelievably beautiful. so fun!

i really do want to get together soon!

Heather said...

She has the most beautiful eyes! What a strong girl to be rolling over this early!

Giron Family said...

Hey Jason and Rachel and Miss Leneah! Cute cute blog.
First of all, I must say that your little one is absolutely adorable. I've heard that she I see for myself! So precious. You guys make such a cute lil family.
I found you guys from the Coulter's blog. And I see you found me too! Glad to have Maryland friends on here!