Weight: 17 lbs, 13 ozs - 15%
Height: 28 1/2 inches - 30%
Head Circumference: 45- 45%
Brooklyn likes throwing things to see how they sound, where they land, etc. Her favorite things to throw are balls. She throws them and then chases them down and throws them again.
She has been more whiny, but I think it is because she has so many teeth coming in. She got three in one week, and has three more that I can tell are trying to come through, maybe more. That makes the grand total of 5 teeth at 12 months.
Brooklyn can stand by herself really well for up to 2 minutes. She expects everyone to be watching and everyone to be clapping at her amazing feat. She loves walking with someone holding her hands and pushing her walking toys, but isn't quite ready to do it on her own. Probably in a couple of weeks she will be walking.
Because she likes to stand and is trying to walk, she has started a half walk, half crawl, where her butt is in the air and she walks like a monkey.
She wants to eat and snack all day long. If there isn't food, she usually isn't too happy.
It is funny to see how different your children are. Brooklyn loves dolls and stuffed animals. She coos at them, snuggles them and plays with them. Laneah didn't like stuffed animals until she was much older and she never liked dolls and still could care less about them.
Brooklyn loves our cat Monty. When she sees him, she chases him all around the house squealing.
She loves to play, but she also gets bored easily. She likes playing on her own, but wants mommy very close by. I enjoy watching her play and learn. She is very interactive in her play for her age.
I think this is so funny. Brooklyn puts toys in her mouth and then crawls around with them hanging out of her mouth. It cracks me up.
Brooklyn is still very good at singing and dancing. She has such good rhythm. She loves patty cake; all I have to do is say "patty cake" and she starts clapping her hands.
I seriously can't wrap my head around the fact that my baby is a year old. Brooklyn is such a dream come true. She is such a good baby and we love her so much!
I can't believe it either!! but she is so adorable. i love her so much!
I'm so thankful I could be there! I sure miss Brooklyn's sweet hugs and kisses! I miss Laneah showing me the world from her point of view and her sweet hugs and kisses too.It is so great to escape from the world of worries and cares and go to see my grand-babies! I love you Rachel and Jason. You are wonderful parents!
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