*calls oreos marshmellows
* She calls all people kids, even adults. She is always asking "who are those kids?"
*"try it, you like it" This is from her favorite show Yo Gabba Gabba. She usually says it in reference to food. She is a good eater and is willing to try almost anything. One of her favorite things to eat is tuna fish, which is pretty strange for a kid, but she loves it.
*"try it, its not scary" She will say this sometimes when you tell her no to something. I guess she thinks you might be scared.
*"guys, I got adea" (idea) She usually holds one finger up and is always really excited to show everyone what her idea is.
New and Current Things:
*She now has to sleep surrounded by stuffed animals, with a nightlight (thanks to a certain Christmas present, it's ok though, not mad:) and with the door open.
*This little girl is a party animal. Every day she thinks there is supposed to be a party. It doesn't help that we have a dozen family birthdays to celebrate in Dec and Jan and when you add Christmas to the mix, there are non stop parties. She asks me every day if it is her birthday again. No thank goodness, it is not, stop trying to make it go faster:) (Laneah on New Year's Eve, she loved the silly string)
*This month she figured out how to use a computer mouse really well. She is thrilled to be able to play Elmo games on the computer "all by myself!"
*She also started Primary in January. The first two weeks went great, but then I got called into Primary (chorister) and now she freaks out and screams and cries for me the whole time. I really like my new calling, but feel awful that because of it she is not transitioning into Primary well. (Laneah on her first day of Primary)
*She loves the snow but we haven't gotten much this year, only a dusting here or there. But she still plays in the snow and makes the best of it.
(making a snow angel)
*I think she is becoming a homebody just because she has to get dressed. She hates wearing pants. I will ask her if she wants to go somewhere and she will say yes, but then when I try to get her dressed, she whines and says she doesn't want to go anywhere. It will be better in the summer when she can wear shorts, she just hates pants for some reason.
*Laneah is always getting into my makeup so for her birthday we got her a princess makeup/beauty kit (not real make up) and she loves pretending to put on makeup and paint her nails. It also came with a cute curling iron and blow dryer that you can turn on. She likes to pretend to give her animals a bath and then turn on the blow dryer to dry them off.
*She likes to pretend that she is going on an airplane to visit people she loves. She will pack her roll on suitcase with a blanket and stuffed animals. The laundry room is the airport and a laundry basket is the plane. She will tell me bye, she loves me, where she is going (it varies) and she will be back soon.
*She started a gymnastics class at Rolly Pollies which she enjoys.
Laneah loves being the center of attention and continues to reign supreme as drama queen. She is so sweet and beautiful. We love her so much!
Every day with Laneah is indeed a party! She finds fun and excitement all day long.I cherish the sweet tender moments, like when she put her hand on the side of my face and looked into my eyes with so much love, and said " Nana I love you." She is such a great joy in my life. I love her so very much!
i love the picture of laneah at her first day of primary! so cute!
I'm glad she loves her Princess Aurora night light :) lol
She is so sweet and fun!
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