Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Sawyer's First Day of Preschool

School here has a September 1st cutoff so since Sawyer has an August birthday, he will always be one of the youngest kids in his class. Just a month after he turned 3, he started preschool. He was really excited about it. He goes to Ms Laura's just like Laneah did for a year and Brooklyn for 2 years. He picked out a construction backpack for school. He is the only boy in the class, but is used to girls since he has 2 sisters. I took a ton of pictures, but I couldn't help myself. He didn't fuss about going to preschool and went right in. He was really happy when I picked him up though and gave me big snuggles and kisses. 💗

I can't believe he is in preschool already, but it is nice to have a few hours a couple times a week to get things done.