Thursday, March 31, 2016


Oh March, it brings the promise of spring, but still so cold most of the time. By March I am desperate for warmth, but at least I know that the worst is over.

I made a trip to Hobby Lobby and found this pillow, which I then had to purchase.
Brooklyn had an eye exam.
Another snow storm. Yuck.

Anthony turned 11

Then we had some warm weather and had to go to Ritas
Brooklyn on a mommy daughter date being silly and cute.
She asked if she could color a picture at the kids table at Old Navy and made me this picture. Oh please don't grow up!!!
A beautiful creation from work.
Cutie pie lost a tooth at school.
We took the girls to see Zootopia, which was a great movie.

Making palm leaves. The whole week leading up to Easter we go over the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem all the way to his resurrection. We also have the resurrection eggs, which the kids love.
Brooklyn lost her other top tooth and she looks so darn cute!
A visit to Ikea

A bunny craft we made
Amish Market breakfast

Enjoying the trees on the parkway on a walk with Brooklyn

Since Laneah turned 8 in December, March was the first women's broadcast for conference that she was able to attend. We went on a date first, and she picked dinner at Elevation Burger. It was a great experience for her and I loved having one on one time with her.

Brooklyn is a pro at drawing bunnies
And we caved and booked another Disney cruise! Haha. It isn't until April 2017 though. Can't wait!!
Birthday dinner for Teresa at Mi Casita. 

The fairy house Brooklyn made. 
It was a busy month and we are ready for Spring!

Sunday, March 27, 2016


After church on Easter, we went to Jason's sister's house for dinner and egg hunt. Sawyer had the hang of it by then.

Just a little further!
And it isn't an official Kaleo gathering without wiffle ball. 

I am so grateful for my family. I am grateful for our Savior, Jesus Christ, who lives! Through His constant love and mercy, I know that I can be with my family forever. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Easter Celebration

Our Easter bunny comes on the Saturday before Easter so that we can focus on Christ on Easter. The bunny had a good haul this year.
Sawyer got a truck, Mr Potato Head, bubble gun and a few more little toys. 
Brooklyn got all the makings for a fairy garden kit.
Laneah got shirts, lip gloss and few other items. 

And Nana had bags for the kids too.
After tearing into the baskets, we went to Easter celebration hosted by a local church that is always so fun. They have games, face painting, food, magic shows, egg hunts, pony rides and more; and all free! My parents were with us and my sister came with her son, Benjamin. 

Afterwards we went to Firehouse Subs and then my parents left with my sister to go to her place for a few days before heading back to St Louis. It was great to celebrate with them.