Saturday, January 30, 2016


With birthday parties, snow days and getting ready for our Disney Cruise, January went by pretty quickly. 
(Laneah after a friend's rock star themed birthday party)

Brooklyn and Micah playing in the snow. 

Everyday in kindergarten, they do "K news" and one child a day (they rotate) gets to say something that goes on the k news and they get to bring it home. Whenever it is Brooklyn's turn, it always comes home saying "I love my mommy". Sweet girl!!
Laneah with her best buds, Ezra and Mabel. 

All the kids got haircuts. Sawyer got his first haircut, but his pictures will be under his blog post. 

Laneah and Ezra doing yoga.
Brooklyn and Violet making....I mean, eating brownies ;)

Cafe Rio goodness. Hmmm....Tres Leches.

We had a huge snowstorm in January. It was awful. Thankfully, it was abut 2 weeks before our cruise so it didn't mess up our plans, and made the cruise seem even more like a dream come true!

My van was almost buried in snow, and Jason's car was completely invisible. 

I was happy for January to be done with. Cold and snow are yucky and I was more than ready for the cruise!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Brooklyn is 6

Later in the evening of her birthday, we had her family party. We had cake and ice cream and Brooklyn opened her presents. 

I can't believe she is 6 years old!

Brooklyn's birthday party

Brooklyn's birthday was on a Saturday this year. She was able to pick 3 friends to take to a place of her choosing. She wanted to go get pedicures so we went to Ladybug Glam Spa, which is a new kids spa in Crofton. She brought her friends Katie, Sidney and Lottie with her. The girls had a blast being goofy and getting their pedicures. 

The girls got goodie bags from the spa and Brooklyn got a tiara since it was her birthday.

Afterwards, Brooklyn wanted to go to Yolavie for frozen yogurt as her birthday treat. 
It was a pampering birthday for Brookie Cookie.