Friday, August 7, 2015


May is always a good month, with my birthday, mother's day and Jason and my wedding anniversary. This year was even more wonderful with Sawyer being sealed to us and blessed. My parents were her for that and for my birthday. Jason had given me a gift card to Robert Andrew Spa for a full body  massage and manicure/pedicure at Christmas and I decided to use it for my birthday. My mom watched the kids in the morning while I went to the spa. Jason got home early and we went and saw new Avengers movie. When we got home, my mom and the girls had decorated and had a little party ready with some yummy pina coloda poke cake. It was a great birthday. Best one I've had in a long time.

Laneah made a few things for me at school for mother's day.

My garden was blooming in May.
Laneah had her final girl scouts party. We made flip flops and went swimming.

We went strawberry picking and got lots and lots of strawberries. I made tons of strawberry jam, strawberry smoothies, and strawberry crumb bars. 

Brooklyn with a strawberry smoothie mustache.
We went to a free family opening of the local pool. It was too cold to swim, but Jason and Laneah were brave enough to get in. Brooklyn got in for a minute, but was too cold to stay in long. Sawyer got to get in his cute suit though he didn't swim.

The girls laid out to try and get warm. 

Sawyer passed out on Jason. So cute!
The pool had all kinds of vendors, free food and entertainment. Eco adventures was there and the kids pet a snake, alligator and even a tarantula!

The girls went into the animal petting section, Laneah went right to the horse and Brooklyn was obsessed with the duck.

The girls even got some cool balloon art.
Some cute photos of Laneah.

Laneah smelling my rose bush.
I worked on the Blue Angels day. We were on a boat and had a great view. 

Brooklyn still loves to collect things on walks and lately is very interested in caterpillars. 
My own Fancy Nancy. 

And that's a good mash up of May.

Sawyer's sealing and blessing

We had Sawyer sealed to us on May 9th in the Washington DC temple. It was such a blessing and a relief to have him sealed as part of our family. The girls were able to watch and enter the temple and the sealing room which was a very special experience for them. Sawyer looked so handsome in his white suit and the Spirit was strong. 

My parents, my brother Alex, and my sister with her family were able to attend. 

Afterwards we went to Cheesecake Factory to celebrate. 

And then to my parents hotel to hang out and swim.

All snuggled up with Nana.
The following day we had Sawyer's blessing. He was just too adorable in his white suit. 
His cousin Benjamin was adorable too!
                                                              Sawyer's Blessing

Our Father in Heaven, by the authority of Melchezidick priesthood and the name of Jesus Christ, we present this child to thee to give him a name and a blessing. the name by which he will be known throughout his life and on the records of the church will be Sawyer Kaleo Carter. Sawyer we bless you with the knowledge and testimony from a very early age that you have Heavenly parents who love you and desire your happiness and joy in this life and the eternities. That you have a Savior, Jesus Christ, who was willing to sacrifice everything for you so that happiness can be achieved. Bless you to know that in this life you will be loved by many people. You have an extend family and parents on this earth that will do everything they can to make sure that you have every opportunity and chance to find happiness. We bless you that you might grow from scripture and prayer throughout your life and one day have a desire to serve the Lord through a mission that you may bring many others to the knowledge of the Savior. Bless you that one day you will be able to enter the temple with a worthy spouse and start your own family here on earth. Bless you that you will always be able to understand truth from error through the Holy Ghost to help you make wise choices. We leave this blessing and and other blessings your Father may wish to bestow upon you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

We took some family photos after 

It was a very special weekend. I feel extremely blessed to have this angel in our lives.