Monday, July 6, 2015

Sawyer 8-9 months

Sawyer at 8 months:

He is starting to throw temper tantrums when he is angry. He will arch his back and throw his head back. 
He is starting to scoot around
Says dada, mama and hi
Diaper impossible: I think it's his mission to make sure I cannot get a new diaper on him
favorite toys: tiger xylophone and pop up toy
favorite foods: peaches; sweet potatoes and corn
favorite song: Old MacDonald

How much does he look like my mom???

He is still loving his baths. He is all over the tub and doesn't mind getting his face wet at all. 

He isn't really into the bubble machine yet. Just watches the bubbles go by in a non committal way. 

He loves his blankies and for some reason he likes to wrap them around his face so I find him sleeping like this a lot. 

Sawyer is so much fun and such a sweetie. I love him so much. 


A few extra photos from April I wanted to include on the blog. 

A visit to the park. 
Brooklyn brought Josephina, her AG doll along and was so cute. The girls rode their bikes to the park and I pushed Sawyer in the stroller. Brooklyn's bike has a little seat in the back for her doll so she can take her along on bike rides. 

It was Sawyer's first time on the slide and the girls wanted in on the action. 
I looked over and saw Brooklyn pushing her doll in the baby swing and cracked up. What a character. 

A typical day while Laneah is at school consists of a "picnic".

Brooklyn always asks me to take pictures of her with statues and mannequins. 
Cherry blossoms!!!

April showers. 
My new wreath I made for the front door. 
Laneah reading to the dog at the library. We finally got to read to Ladybug. 
Brooklyn on one of her after preschool play dates with her BFFs Sidney and Lottie. 

Laneah was over the moon to have her BFF come to sleepover. 

Spring flowers at the temple. 
I'm so happy spring is here:)

Sawyer's Adoption Finalization

On April 23rd we went to the courthouse to have Sawyer's adoption finalized. It was an enormous relief to finally have a court date. 

We had an amazing judge. He started off saying how happy adoptions made him and they were the best part of his job and that since this was a happy time the kids could do whatever they wanted and run around the courtroom. He had Laneah and Brooklyn come up and sit in his chair and told them what to say to make the adoption official and then had them bang the gavel a few times. He also gave them a present; a pencil with a two sided eraser that looked like a gavel. He made our day extra special. 

And the first "official" family of five photograph. 

So happy!!!!
Afterwards we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. My sister had driven our way to take my mom to the airport and so she and Benjamin met up with us. 

What a special, happy day. My heart is full.