Tuesday, April 7, 2015


February was cold as usual but we made the best of it. My brother Alex (From Dallas) was visiting on business for most of the month so we were able to see him a lot which was great. The Baltimore Aquarium is amazing and he had never been so we went on a Friday night (in the winter you can go on Fridays after 5 for $8, it is normally around $30). I must not have been in a picture taking mood, because I only took two pictures, but we had a great time. Jason stayed home with Sawyer since we were going to be out late and we got to ride in Alex's awesome rental SUV which had heated seats, even in the back, and color light changing display. 
Laneah and Brooklyn had their 7 and 5 year old check ups and both were healthy and everything looked good. They were both happy because neither of them had to get shots:) They also had their dental check ups but I didn't take pictures of that. 

Lots of cozy clothes, blankets and cuddles to keep warm and spread love. 

Brooklyn is fascinated by what she calls "monster fruit" every time we see it at Wegmans and she asked me to take her picture with it. 
When I went to pick Laneah up from school early one day I saw that her class had their sculptures on display. Laneah's is the one in the back center. 

I hosted a LulaRoe party, which is a clothing line and had so much fun and got cute, comfy and stylish clothes. Laneah decided that Brooklyn needed to be a model and she took pictures of Brooklyn "modeling" at the end of the party when they were taking everything down. 

We had lunch at Pizzera Unos with Alex and Jason one day. Sawyer looked adorable in his bear outfit and was happy to be out. 

We ordered a skillet cookie which is a giant chocolate chip cookie with ice cream and I didn't realize that Sawyer had grabbed my spoon and was sucking on it and in heaven. He had his first small taste of chocolate and he wanted more. I didn't give him any of course, but that didn't stop him from trying to get my spoon. He had us all cracking up; we know how good chocolate is.
Sawyer adores his big sisters. I thought it was so sweet to see Laneah reading to him. His little hand on her arm....be still my heart!
Laneah finished her first session of gymnastics and we resigned her up again. She is doing well and enjoys it. 
Her splits and cartwheels are perfect now. 
Laneah walks to school with a her BFF and other kids in the neighborhood every morning. She is growing up! 
I am always happy when February ends and we are that much closer to spring!

Valentine's Day

This year Valentine's day was on a Saturday and my parents happened to be visiting. They bought the kids their own balloons and Sawyer loved his. He just kept grabbing it and hitting it and laughing. 

Since it was on a Saturday, the girls had their school parties the day before. They posed for some photos before they left for school.

This is the valentine mailbox that Brooklyn made at school. 
Jason was able to get off work early and surprise Laneah at her school party. She was very happy since he usually isn't able to come to school events. 

Laneah with two of her best friends, Mabel and Ezra.

And since it was little man's first V-day, I had to take a bunch of pictures of the darling. 

We didn't do anything special but just spent the day together as a family which was perfect.

Disney On Ice

On February 13th, the girls and I went to Disney On Ice with my mom and my brother Alex. It was Brooklyn's first time going and she was excited. We had previously only been to the princess themed ones and this one was a more gender neutral Disney with Cars, The Little Mermaid, Tinkerbell, and Toy Story. I was able to get pretty good seats for super cheap. 

The girls each picked out a souvenir. Brooklyn got a glowing Anna necklace and Laneah got a light up Ariel wand. 

The girls loved it and we had a fun time.