Monday, January 12, 2015


December is always a fun and busy month. 

Our library is great. One of their programs is kids reading to dogs. They have 3 dogs available and Laneah really loves it. This was her first visit. 
We had a girl scouts meeting and earned the red petal. 

Our church christmas party was really fun this year. When people arrived, the kids got cards and for each activity they did they got a sticker for their card. There was a balloon room, popcorn and movie, games, photo booth and crafts. Then we went to the cultural hall for cookies and milk. There was a short program with an adorable slideshow of the primary kids dressed for the nativity and a voice over with the story of Christ's birth. The kids sang and the youth sang and that was it. 

They had some candy jars where you had to guess the amount and Laneah really wanted the gummy bears and she won. You can tell she was excited. 
Our elf Chippy came for the month and I finally found something to do with him that I liked. He is a good deed elf. Every day he leaves a card with a mission for the girls to complete that is kind and helpful. 
Brooklyn made a snack for Laneah for when she got home from school.
We had our neighborhood pajama milk and cookie christmas party. We played a few games and the kids had milk and cookies and then exchanged secret santa presents. It was loud but fun. 
Sawyer and Emmett, just 6 weeks apart. 

All the adult paparazzi trying to get the kids look and smile. 
The kids were all excited over their gifts. 

Santa's little helper was sweet and smiley. 

Another night we waited for Santa to come on the fire truck and pass out candy canes. 

Santa also visited Brooklyn's preschool Christmas party. 

Laneah's girl scout troop went caroling at the local rehabilitation center for their service project. It was lots of fun and it was nice to teach the girls about service. 

 Those are a few of the highlights of December:)

Laneah's 7th birthday

This year I told the girls we weren't doing birthday parties but they could pick two friends to take to dinner. Laneah asked Ezra and Scarlette to come with her to McDonalds. They had a blast in the huge play area. 

Laneah's birthday was on a Saturday this year. Since Ezra's birthday is the same day, Laneah was able to go to her birthday party at the American Girl Doll store on their actual birthday.

 The girls got their dolls hair done. 

 Ezra was so sweet and let Laneah blow out the candles with her. 

 Laneah had her family party that night. She chose dinner at Newks. My sister, Jereme and Benjamin were visiting for the night and flying out the next morning for Christmas in St Louis so they were able to come to dinner and the party. Grandmom Kathy, Megan, Tony and Anthony also came. I let Laneah pick out her cake and she chose a Littlest Pet Shop ice cream cake from Cold Stone. The flavors of ice cream she chose were cherry vanilla and oreo cream. 

 Laneah was so excited over her gifts, especially her My Little Pony camera.

 She had a great birthday.