Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fall Festival

The first Saturday in October, we went to our annual Fall Festival. We've told so many people about it that we know about 1/3 of the people there;) This year our friends from PA drove down to spend the day with us. 

We got our first family of 5 picture. Not the best, lol 
Brooklyn requested a photo by herself. 
 Then it was time for fun and games. This year they had lots of game stations set up. As usual they had a band, prizes, moon bounces, smoothies, popcorn, lunch, balloons, and so much more. 
 Brooklyn and her friend Avie spent most of the time on the moon bounces. 
 She also played most of the games. 
 Laneah took on the rock climbing wall and did really well, especially since she was wearing ballet flats. 

 Pony rides are always fun. 

 Sawyer napped most of the time. 
 The kids got their faces painted. 

 Sawyer in his dino outfit. 
 After the festival, we went back to our house and hung out with our friends for a while and then went to dinner at Firehouse Subs. Issac's face paint left him with a sunburned look. It was so funny. 

 Emily and I (Laneah photo bombing) 
 All the silly kids. Laneah, Brooklyn, Issac, Kai and Micah. 
 We lucked out with good weather and great friends. It is always fun to catch up with old friends.


September was a big month, we got a baby, school started and my parents, my sister and one of my brothers came to visit and to meet baby Sawyer.

We went to our local craft fair and the girls got their faces painted, rode horses and Laneah got a bow and some arrows. 

They wanted Frozen crowns.
Sawyer met his cousin Benjamin. 

Benjamin gives great kisses. 
Aunt Christy holding Sawyer for the first time. 

The first Friday in September we went to Quino's birthday party at Yards Park. It was also the last concert of the year. My mom stayed home with Sawyer and the rest of us went. 

Sawyer had his first trip to the mall and he did not like it much. 
We had our neighborhood block party and Laneah painted Jason's face. He is a good sport. We had food, played water games and had a good time. 

We completed our Kiwi crate which was a carnival theme and really cute. 

This praying mantis hung out at our house for a few days. 
Laneah and her class dyed t-shirts and I went to help volunteer. Each class (there are 5 1st grad classes) have a different color. They wear the shirts on field trips and special days like field day. Laneah's class got the color blue. 

While we were there one of classes released their butterfly. The classes all started off with caterpillars to study the cycle but only one made it all the way through. 
Then when we went to the library, they had one as well that was almost ready to hatch 
Since we had been consumed with the baby, we wanted to take the girls out for special dates. I took Brooklyn on her date and she chose to go shopping and to eat frozen yogurt at Yolavie. Jason took Laneah and she chose go kart racing. He didn't take any pictures of course, but they had lots of fun. 

I worked a couple of rooftop venues in DC with incredible views. 

Jason and Papa took the girls fishing. 

It was a wonderful, miraculous, busy, sleepless month:)