Sunday, October 13, 2013


Brooklyn had her first day of preschool on September 3rd. She was very excited to start school like Laneah. 
We had a little orientation for the kids the week before and we got to see the set up (we already know the teacher from church). 

Her first day she was geared up to go. 

With her teacher, Ms Laura.

With her classmates: Camden, Tanner, Liam and Charlotte. Kate and Cullen wouldn't sit for the picture. The kids all looked so cute. 
Brooklyn was so sweet. She wanted to go but didn't want to leave me either. She was torn. 
Looking back "bye mom, I love you". She is too precious. 
She loved preschool and after we took the kids to eat at Firehouse Subs. 
Yay for preschool:)


After the disaster which was kindergarten orientation in May (Laneah freaked out and would not leave me to go with a teacher to the classroom), I did a lot of prep work (and praying!!) over the summer to get her ready and excited for school. About 2 weeks before school started I heard the blessed words "Mom, I am so excited for Kindergarten!" Yay! Just before school started we went with Laneah's best friend Ezra (who is starting kindergarten at the same school) and her mom on a special mommy/daughter double date. We went to the mall to have dinner and pick out their first day of school outfits. 

Melissa and Ezra.

It was such a special night and I am so glad we did it. Both of the girls found their outfits and had lots of fun. 
The week before school started, we met Laneah's teacher, Mrs Moskios for teacher conferences. Laneah got to see the classroom, met her teacher and then color a picture while Jason and I talked with her teacher. She is a wonderful teacher. There are 5 kindergarten teachers so Laneah didn't get with any of her friends but her teacher is great for her. Mrs Moskios is also left handed so I think that will be good for L. I didn't get very good pictures of the classroom but it is set up cute. 

Laneah got her hair cut before the big day by Aunt Jen. 
And then the big day arrived. Kindergarten is all day here, with only one recess. To help the kids adjust and to give the teachers time to get to know all the students, the kindergarteners do a staggered start. So 1/3 of the class gets split up into three separate days to start Kindergarten and then they all come together after labor day. Laneah's first day was August 29th. She was excited but nervous too. 

I cried a little after I dropped her off and I did miss her, but school is going to be great for her. 

I love this picture. When I went to pick her up on her first day, she saw me and had the biggest smile. 

Laneah's best friend Scarlette also started that day so after school we took them all for Yo Lavie frozen yogurt. 

The first official day was after labor day. She was still excited about school and ready to go. 
Laneah and Ezra. 
I am able to go and volunteer in her classroom every Monday while Brooklyn is at preschool which is great to see her in action. She is going to rock school:)

Random Bits from August

August was a lot of fun. We went to a free summer movie: How to Train Your Dragon. Brooklyn was so funny. When she heard it was about dragons she said to me "There are dragons! Mom I fweaking out!" And this is how she chose to eat her popcorn. 
Laneah is making a weird face in this picture, but we went with our friends Maddie and Teresa and they all liked the movie. 
We went with a group of friends to Watkins park. The weather was too nice to pass up. 

We went out for crabs for Pierson's birthday. (Jason's older brother). Jason was in heaven. 

The girls love this car wash. They have free snacks and juice boxes, bubbles and you can shoot water at cars. 
We went with some neighbor friends to the Goddard Space Museum. Laneah and I had been once for a  preschool field trip, but she didn't remember much and it was Brooklyn's first visit. 

We went to the pool a few more times. 

The aquarium just opened a new exhibit called the blacktip reef. It has lots of blacktip reef sharks, zebra sharks, a 400 lb sea turtle and more. They had a member's only evening and we went then so it wouldn't be extremely crowded. It was really beautiful. 

We had a last minute birthday party for one of our friends, Katie, and it was really fun. There were a lot of kids but they had so much fun playing together. 
August flew by getting ready for school and wrapping up summer.