Sunday, August 25, 2013


July was a good month. We celebrated Jason's birthday and Independence Day. We took the kids to see Monsters University and Despicable Me 2. (I really liked Monsters, but thought Despicable Me 2 was way to violent.) Laneah took a hip hop class and started ice skating lessons, and my parents came out again on a last minute visit to bring a car to my sister who lives in Virginia. 

We had lots of fun play dates. We went with some friends to Silver Star gym, which is one of our favorite play places. Brooklyn and Avonlea loved this swing. 

The girls were very excited when our lily bloomed. 
We went with some friends to the Chesapeake Water Park. This was our first time and it was really fun, but Teresa and I both ended up with water beetles in our hair! Eww! I am itching my head just thinking of it! The kids had so much fun. Laneah was just an inch shy of going on the big slides, she wasn't happy about it, but she will be able to do them next year. Brooklyn's favorite place was the lazy river, but she wanted me to walk and carry her, she didn't want the tubes. I must have walked the lazy river 20 times that day! At least I got some exercise;)
We had a few more pool days and Laneah is really getting good at swimming. After lots of coaxing and time, Brooklyn finally went in the pool without me (she had a swim vest on). She is a very cautious child. 

We did another fun Kiwi Crate craft. This one was making your own watercolor sea creatures. The girls would color their sea animals and then take them outside and spray them with water and watch the colors move and blend. 

Seeing my parents again was wonderful. It is hard having them live so far away, but I know I am lucky to see them as often as I do. One day we went to Ikea to get the girls a dresser. Brooklyn has been out of the nursery since November, but I hadn't moved her clothes over yet so I spent a good chunk of time organizing their clothes and moving things around. The girls love Ikea, (me too!) and had to stop at every table and pretend they were eating. I found a really cute dresser for their room as well and we got yummy cinnamon rolls to boot. 
My mom went back to my sisters place to help her move. We met at the temple to do some work and then ate the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. I was so happy to finally find something I liked there. It was a nice girls night. 
While my mom was at my sisters, we met some extended family at Sandy Point beach. We had never been before but were pleasantly surprised. I thought it would be like Chesapeake beach, but it is much nicer. The kids all had fun playing. There were lots of jellyfish though. The lifeguard showed us how to kill them. He scooped one up with his flipper and then dug a hole in the sand and buried it. I stayed by the water with a sand pail and whenever the kids spotted a jelly fish I would scoop it up while the kids eagerly dug a hole and then we would bury the jellyfish. (Laneah and Tessa, two cuties all grown up and ready to start kindergarten.)
We met up with my mom and sister at the American Girl doll store in Tyson's Corner. Laneah decided she wants an American Girl doll for her birthday and to have her party there as well. It works out for me because they provide everything: food, cake, invitations, thank you cards, goody bags and games. For once, I will not plan an elaborate birthday party:) Laneah had narrowed her doll choice down to 2 from looking at the magazine, but wanted to see them in person. She ended up choosing Saige, the girl of the year. She has a cute story and movie to go with her as well. I am excited for her party, it will be fun. 
And that's the big hits from July. My little ones keep me busy, but I love it:)

Baltimore Zoo

While my mom was visiting (at the end of July) we went to the Baltimore Zoo. We had been once last year for Laneah's preschool field trip and loved it so we were excited to go back. (Laneah's pretending to be a fierce lion in this picture)
The girls wanted to get on this lion and take their picture. 
I thought these were cool, they are the paw prints of the different animals at the zoo. 

The giraffes weren't coming up to eat, so we weren't able to feed them which was a bummer, but we still got to see them.
When we went into the monkey house, Brooklyn immediately plugged her nose:) 
The children's zoo there is really fun and interactive. They have bridges, slides, hands on exhibits and more. 
Petting an otter skin.
The giant tree slide is fun. The kids went down at least a dozen times each. 
The girls with their Nana. 

Laneah liked the goats. Brooklyn brushed this one for a second but when it got too close she got scared and wanted me to hold her. More goats came closer because they wanted attention and Brooklyn wanted out. I am with her on this one; goats creep me out with their crazy eyes! 

Poor Laneah got a giant splinter in her nail. For some reason she likes to scratch things, mostly when she is angry, but she scratched a wooden pole and a big sliver went deep into her nail. Of course she was hysterical so we got zoo security and luckily they were able to get it out easily. She loved the cheetahs and the polar bears most of all. I asked her to take a picture with the polar bear and she posed like she was taking a nap with the polar bear. Such a cutie!
It was a good day for the zoo, the weather was pretty nice and it wasn't crowded and it is always fun to have Nana time:)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

4th of July

The 4th was a lot of fun this year. I saw this cute star hairstyle on pinterest and decided to try it on the girls. It turned out so cute.

We had a family BBQ in the afternoon and set off some fireworks. Then went to the parade in downtown Annapolis. The parade wasn't as long as previous years, but the girls still enjoyed it. 

 The girls looked adorable in their outfits. 

 On our way home from the parade, Brooklyn fell asleep so I stayed home with her while Jason took Laneah to see some fireworks. 


For Christmas, the girls got a kit to grow your own butterflies. I waited until it was summer so we could release them outside after they hatched. When you are ready, you put in your code online and they send you butterfly larva. It takes about a week for them to form into chrysalis and then another week for them to hatch. We were really lucky, Laneah woke 

up early one morning and went to check on them as they were 

emerging so we got to see most of them 


 After watching them for a few days, we released them outside. (uh, btw Laneah dressed herself;)

It was a great experience.