Friday, May 24, 2013

Yards Park Lantern Making

On April 13th, we went to one of our new favorite places, Yard Park. As part of the National Cherry Blossom Festival, they were having and Chinese lantern making event. The kids were able to make lanterns and play. They had a moon bounce, hula hoops and other activities and a karate demonstration.  At the end they also had a little parade where the kids walked around with their lanterns, but we weren't able to stay that long. Laneah's biological grandmother was visiting us and joined us for the event. We all loved having her here. We rode the metro in and Laneah wanted to stand and hold the high bar like daddy so Jason held her up so she could reach. 

 My sister and brother in law met us there as well. 

 Showing off the finished lanterns. 

 We got lunch after and ran into some friends. Laneah and Ezra saw each other through the window and were having a conversation. So cute. 
 Waiting for the metro, Laneah used her battery candle to light her lantern. 
It was fun, I can't wait to go back to Yard's park when its warm.