Friday, May 24, 2013


April went by so fast! The first half was full of visitors. First my parents, and then Laneah's biological grandmother came from Idaho to visit. It was so great to get to know her better and Laneah loved it as well. I don't know why but I just haven't been taking very many pictures or videos lately. Since I am still behind on my blogging, I thought I would just keep with the monthly mash up. 
We went to a lot of parks in April. This new one in Bowie is one our favorites. It has a huge climbing web, separate little kid and big kid parks, picnic tables, huge fields to run in, a sand area, a music dancing game, and more. They are even going to have a concession stand opening in the summer. Laneah loves the web and can climb to the top in seconds. 

 Brooklyn made it to the middle of the web. 
 Brooklyn loves playing, but she loves helping too. 
 I took my new van through the car wash; it was Brooklyn's first time and she loved all the colors. 
 When my parents left, Laneah wrote them this note and had me text them a picture of it. She misses them all the time. 
 Once Marlene (Laneah's grandma) left, the girls wanted to sleep in the nursery on the mattress. They were used to having company. We let them sleep on it for a few nights. I found them like this one on the nights. 
 Most of April was chilly, but there were a few random hot days and we didn't waste any time getting out the slip n slide with our fun neighbors. 

 Look at those long legs! 
 We do lots of play dates and go lots of places. I am not a home body. We love being social and hanging out with our cool friends. 
 We took the girls to the temple visitors center one Sunday in April. I loved seeing all the beautiful tulips. 

 I am so grateful to be part of an eternal family. 
 The Cherry Blossoms finally bloomed! I have never seen them take so long. They are so beautiful. 

 My girls love being silly and goofy. They play hard, fight hard and love hard. 
It was a great month. And now it is the end of May! This year is going by way too fast!

Yards Park Lantern Making

On April 13th, we went to one of our new favorite places, Yard Park. As part of the National Cherry Blossom Festival, they were having and Chinese lantern making event. The kids were able to make lanterns and play. They had a moon bounce, hula hoops and other activities and a karate demonstration.  At the end they also had a little parade where the kids walked around with their lanterns, but we weren't able to stay that long. Laneah's biological grandmother was visiting us and joined us for the event. We all loved having her here. We rode the metro in and Laneah wanted to stand and hold the high bar like daddy so Jason held her up so she could reach. 

 My sister and brother in law met us there as well. 

 Showing off the finished lanterns. 

 We got lunch after and ran into some friends. Laneah and Ezra saw each other through the window and were having a conversation. So cute. 
 Waiting for the metro, Laneah used her battery candle to light her lantern. 
It was fun, I can't wait to go back to Yard's park when its warm.