Monday, March 26, 2012

The beach ball sprinkler

One day last week it got up in the 80s, in March! So naturally Laneah wanted to get out the pool. I wasn't quite ready for that so we compromised for the beach ball sprinkler. It is $10 at Target and it is awesome. The girls love it as you will see from the pictures. Brooklyn woke up from her nap just as I was finishing blowing it up. 
 I wasn't sure how Brooklyn would do because she screams when her face gets wet in the bath and when we rinse her hair. But she loved it. She was sticking her face right in the sprinkler the little stinker!

 Poor little thing was shivering like crazy but every time I tried to cuddle her in the towel she would say "no" or "more" and get right back out there. 

 Laneah is all about getting wet so she had the time of her life.

 After Jason got home we decided to get out the grill and do the first grill of the season and we had watermelon for dessert. It was perfect. 
It has been too chilly to use the sprinkler again yet but that doesn't stop the girls from asking. Luckily they will have all summer to play with it. 


Nana said...

They look so cute in their new swimsuits. Such a fun Mom and Dad!I love you guys!

Heather said...

The swimsuits are adorable! I love that Laneah is Wonderwoman while Jason is grilling. :)