Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Laneah at 4 years, 2 months

Laneah had her 4 year old check up and here are her stats:
Weight: 38.9 lbs; 75%
Height: 41 1/4 in; 75%


*"do you love me when .....(anything and everything you could imagine)?" She will ask this question multiple times a day. 

*debil- Devil. 

*"Wouldn't it be cool if.....(let your imagination run wild; she certainly does)"

*rats nest. One day when I went to brush Laneah's hair it was even more tangled than usual and I said "wow Laneah, your hair is a rat's nest". Her eyes went really wide and she asked "I have rats in my hair?" Jumping on the opportunity since Laneah makes it very difficult to brush her hair I told her that it was a rats nest and if I didn't brush it out, rats would make it their home. Maybe that was bad, but it worked then and it still does. 

New and current things:

 *She loves piggy back rides/horse rides and asks for them multiple times a day. 

*She still likes anything silly and likes creative games. One day I put one of her stuffed animals on the fan and turned it on so we could see how long it would stay on. Laneah thought it was the funniest thing ever. 
                  After a couple tries we decided to make it a contest and got more animals to add to it.
*She loves the snow and since we haven't had much she has been making the best of it. 

*Her favorite game right now is playing married with daddy. She will say "come on husband" and then proceed to boss him around. lol

*She is showing a strong interest in math- I was trying to explain why when you add any number to zero, it remains the same number. I said if we have zero apples and 1 banana do we have any fruit? Then I asked her if we had any apples and she said, its ok, we just have go to the store and buy some!
*We have been working really hard with her and she has been doing better behaviorally.
*I am not sure why, but she has started standing on balls. She does it all the time. 

*Laneah is doing much better at tracing letters and patterns and is definitely a lefty. 
*I signed her up for soccer in the spring and she starts in March. She is very excited. 

*She likes all of the Leap Frog movies and I do too. They are so educational. 
Laneah has gotten so big I just can't wrap my head around it. She is my little princess and I sure love her. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Brooklyn at 2 years, 1 month

Brooklyn had her two year check up and here are her stats:
Weight: 22.8 lbs; 5%
Height: 33 1/4 in; 40%

*New words: up, me (she qualified for speech therapy through the Infants and Toddlers school program and will start working with a speech therapist in a couple weeks to help her build her vocabulary)

*Brooklyn has a very good imagination. She likes to have tea parties, play in the toy kitchen (she makes me food and brings it to me), and playing with baby dolls.

*This poor little thing has had ear infection after ear infection. She has had four since Christmas time. If she gets one more she has to see an ENT doctor.

*Brooklyn is a perfectionist. Everything has its place and has to be just so or she gets upset. She likes to be clean and she is great at cleaning up most of the time. 

*She is still a passionate dancer. Anytime she hears music she has to dance.

*She doesn't like having her hair washed so I let her shampoo her Barbie's hair to try and help her understand that hair needs to be rinsed. She still doesn't like her hair rinsed but it is cute because she always wants to shampoo Barbie's hair in the bath now. 
*My picky little eater getting a little messy. She doesn't like to be messy and so I don't get very many pictures like this.
*She likes to use her stroller to go "shopping" in the pantry. 
*Pretending to be a cat or sometimes even a dog is lots of fun.
*She continues to be a little cuddle bug and is very affectionate.
*She likes being a little mommy.
*If you want her to laugh all you have to do is chase her. It is probably her favorite game.

Brooklyn continues to be an easy going sweet little girl. I love that she wants to give out so many hugs and kisses because I can't get enough:)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Valentine's Day

Laneah was really into Valentine's Day this year. We made valentine's for her preschool friends. One said "You are a star Valentine" and had a starburst, and the other said "I only have eyes for you" and had sunglasses attached. She had lots of fun at her preschool party.
 While she was at preschool, Brooklyn and I shared lots of love. She is such a love bug. I got each of the girls a little gift. Brooklyn got 2 valentine books (books are her favorite things), some chocolate princess hearts and valentine jelly beans. She was very excited for her gift. 

 Her "I'm so cute" smile.
 Laneah got home from preschool and her play date while Brooklyn was napping which was nice so we could have some alone time. She showed me all the valentine's she received from her friends.
 And the things that she made too.

 Then I gave her her Valentine gift. She got princess addition cards, ring pops (her favorite), chocolate princess hearts, and valentine jelly beans. 

 When Brooklyn woke up Laneah wanted to do a craft so we made valentines for daddy.

 I was feeling pretty sick (I had a cold) by the time dinner rolled around so we just ordered pizza. I had been to the grocery store earlier in the day and they had tons of yummy containers of strawberries buy one get one free so I thought it would be fun to do a little fondue and use the pot we got for Christmas. No surprise it was a big hit with the girls.

 Brooklyn climbed onto the table so she could be as close to the chocolate as possible:)

Jason didn't get me flowers so I made him watch Breaking Dawn with me, lol. But we went on a date Friday to the temple and to dinner and he got me flowers then(He claimed that was his plan all along:) It was a great Valentines.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Indoor Crafts (suck)

 I love crafts, my girls love crafts, but I don't like doing crafts with my girls. I know, its terrible, but its true. If it engaged my children for an hour or so or they didn't make a mess of epic proportions, but as it is its a 10 minute activity with at least a 30 minute clean up for me while they are off destroying another part of the house. I know I should just relax, but it is so hard to keep the house clean as it is. So while we still do crafts, it is just sparingly. 

This activity was cloud dough. Sounded great, but no. It is just baby oil and flour, so it smells good and it doesn't stain. I gave the girls lots of toys and put it in a bin, but it didn't stay in the bin long. 
 This is Brooklyn after and Laneah wasn't much better. Plus Brooklyn wiped it all over me and of course I was wearing black, lol. I kept the leftover cloud dough but it won't be making another appearance until summer time when we can go outside and play with it and hose off afterwards:)

 Laneah got a jewelry making kit for her birthday and that was fun and not too messy but we had to do it while Brooklyn was napping. 
 Both the girls love to finger paint. But it isn't painting as much as it is getting paint all over everything. Once again, a few minutes of fun, but a huge mess. 

I know Laneah wishes we did more crafts, but I only do it when I know I can handle the extra clean up. I see these blogs where women do crafts with their kids every day. I don't know how they do it, but for us, it will just have to be a once in a while thing. Sorry kids:)