Thursday, November 24, 2011

Laneah at 3 years, 11 months

This is the last month that my baby is a 3 year old!!! Boo! I think I might cry when she turns four. Isn't she still a baby?
*My favorite words of hers are "actually" and "preeettty cool". She says actually at least 100 times a day. And pretty cool is funny because of her exaggeration of the word pretty.

*She is working on "being tough". Normally any little fall, dent, scratch, etc would result in a bloody murder scream where you think she is dying. But she is getting better and sometimes now when she gets a boo boo she will say ow instead of screaming and then brag about how tough she is. We give her lots of praise when she is "tough" because this girl can scream.

*She loves to pull up the rocks on the garden wall and look for worms and rolly pollies. All other bugs terrify her though. (My fault I'm sure). In this picture she found a caterpillar. 
*Ever since she ate Chinese food and liked it she likes to pretend that we live in China. It cracks me up.
*She is such a sassy little thing; but she is also filled with sweetness on the inside. 
*Laneah loves to be outside. She doesn't mind the cold at all; its heat she doesn't like. 
*We have been trying to teach her that there is more to life and holidays than just getting things. I really want her to be thankful and grateful and want to give. We have done a couple of service projects which she enjoyed. We also did a thankful tree. Since I am no artist I printed this one off the Nick Jr website. Laneah loved putting it together. All the things I wrote on the leaves were things that she said she was grateful for (sometimes I changed the word; ex: she said she was grateful for the trees and I put nature)

*Laneah is obsessed with pirates. We go on pirate treasure hunts all the time. She will draw a map and then we will look for treasure. We also make telescopes with paper. 

She loves making crafts with me. 
*I got her a washable marker set which is great, because her and Brooklyn both get it on their clothes and everywhere else. It is so nice that I can just wash it right off. 
*She loves to pretend that daddy is a prince and she a princess. Sometimes they will be Rapunzel and Flynn and other times Ariel and Eric. It is so cute to hear them playing together. The funniest was when Laneah hit Jason with a frying pan and said, "now we are married". Lol 
*Laneah continues to do well at preschool and has lots of fun there.
*She freaks out when her food falls apart. Eating tacos or hamburgers are a nightmare because she becomes hysterical when it slides or falls apart. 
*I love this picture. She has such a fun personality and is so creative and smart. 
My little girl isn't so little anymore but she will always be my baby. Love you Laneah!!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gorgeous autumn and gorgeous children

Overall our November has been wonderful with warm weather and vivid colors in the trees. The sun turns the yellow leaves on the trees to gold. 

 Laneah and her friend Ezra.
 We have made lots of leaf piles for the kids to jump and play in. 

 Stunning Brooklyn

 Beautiful Laneah.

 The fiery red of the trees here are to die for. The whole parkway is full of vibrant colors and it so beautiful.
It has been a great fall so far, I love this time of year.

Brooklyn at 22 Months

Brooklyn is getting so tall and acting like such a big girl now.
*She loves brushing her teeth. She would gnaw on a toothbrush all day if she could. But surprisingly she also likes when Jason or I brush her teeth. We make a game of it and she laughs and laughs. Such a good little girl.  
*Her vocabulary is growing. She is very vocal so even when she isn't saying actual words, she is talking. Her newest are "Num, num"(when she is eating), "eggs", "no", "shh" (with her finger to her lips) and uh huh" (instead of yes). She calls balloons, balls and books all "bahs". She can also blow kisses now.
*She still loves to play in her crib and when we get her out of the crib she needs all the blankets and lovies to come out with her.

*Brooklyn is the only child that I know who likes Altoids. She gets them out of my purse and eats them like candy.
*She likes to entertain and make people laugh.
*Getting into mommy's purse is a favorite activity. Second favorite is the utensil drawer in the kitchen.

*She has developed a love of books. She will bring me book after book to read to her. It is great; I am excited that she has a passion for books since I do too. Her favorite book is Chugga Chugga Choo Choo.

*She can blow her nose now which is cute and also useful when she has a cold. 

*Brooklyn is still a picky eater. She likes to graze on food instead of eating meals. But here is eating one of her favorites: Southwest Chicken Wraps. She eats the entire wrap, which is huge for her since I have a hard time getting her to eat more than two meals a day.
*She has been helping me pick out her clothes for a while, but this time she insisted on wearing this shirt with her tutu and so thats what she wore that day.
*Brooklyn loves to cuddle up on the couch with blankie and watch a show. Her favorite cartoon is Sesame Street and her favorite movie is Tangled.
*She still is a big fan of her blankies so watch out if you pick one up and try to put it away:)
* Both the girls love looking at pictures and videos of themselves.
 *She has to have food in her hand, even if she is not eating it.
*Brooklyn is such a happy and easy going toddler. She has her moments of course(like when she doesn't get candy), but overall she is a little sweet heart.

I just LOVE her!!!!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

'Dare to Dream"- Disney on Ice

The last Saturday in October Laneah and I went on a mommy and daughter date with two of my friends and their daughters to see "Dare to Dream" Disney on Ice. When we got there the girls were so excited. We got them each a light up toy for the show and then got some food to eat before the show started.
Laneah and Scarlette got this cute picture done. It is funny that they both chose the same pose with their hand on their hip. Cuteness!
Ready for the show to start.
And it started off the The Princess and the Frog. I was worried at first because it started off with the voodoo man and Laneah got really scared and said she wanted to go home. But he was only in one scene and then she was fine the rest of the night.
The kiss
 Next was Cinderella. 

Then it was intermission and Laneah got an icee and a bucket of popcorn. 
Laneah loved her toy and played with it during the intermission.
She was really into the show; waving and yelling "hi" to all the characters.
After intermission it was the part everyone was looking forward to the most: Rapunzel

In the finale, all the princesses and their princes came out to dance. 
I had to get some close ups of Laneah's favorite princess, Ariel.

They even had fireworks!

Then they all waved bye, which of course Laneah was so excited "they are waving to me!"

Mickey and Minnie were there too.
After the show we took some more pictures.

The girls were so hyper and kept dancing and playing. They didn't want to leave.
Group hug.
Our little princesses.
This video is so cute. Laneah and Scarlette ran up to the top of the stadium and were dancing to the music. 
It was a great mommy and daughter date night.  Laneah has been asking to go back every day to see the princesses on ice so we will have to go again next time it comes here.