Monday, September 26, 2011

County Fair

A couple of weeks ago we went to the County Fair. The weather wasn't great, but it was still fun. Laneah loved all the rides and both the girls enjoyed the animals. We even saw a pig race. The pigs raced each other for the prize of an oreo. I can't fault them for that. 

Laneah getting her face painted. There wasn't a wait for any of the rides, but Laneah was determined to stand in the face painting line if it took all night (which it about did). She chose a blue and red horse on her cheek.
 On to the rides! She was so happy flying through the air.
 Laneah rode some rides and then we went to check out the all the animals.

 And ride the pony of course.
 Brooklyn waiting for the pig race. She really got into it.
 The cow was the only animal she wasn't afraid to pet.
 More rides...

 Then snack time. Fair food is so yummy!
 Pick a duck...always a rip off, but the kids love it. We let Brooklyn do it because the poor thing couldn't ride any of the rides and was feeling left out.

 Laneah made lots of new friends and would ride with them. Such a social butterfly.
It was a fun night. Laneah wanted to stay longer but Brooklyn was ready to go, she was tired. Funny enough Laneah passed out in the car and Brooklyn stayed awake the whole ride home:) We had a good time though, especially Laneah, she keeps calling it the "fun fair".