Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Taste of Summer

On Wednesday we went to a new indoor pool. It was a long trek (45 minutes) but it was worth it. Jen and Blake went with us and Jessica and Sienna met us there. The indoor pool is huge. They have a big pool for laps, a therapy pool, a huge hot tub and a large leisure pool for kids. The leisure pool only goes up to three feet deep and was warmer than the other pools. They had a walk-in area with little fountains that the girls loved. Brooklyn looked adorable in her new swimsuit.

Aunt Jen helped out with the girls, they sure love her.

Laneah had so much fun walking in the pool. She would walk until it was so deep that she had to put her head back, but she wanted to do most things by herself. 
They had a floating snake that the kids could ride on.
There were several slides for the kids to go down on and Laneah went on all them over and over again.

 I am so glad we did swimming lessons with Laneah, she is a lot more comfortable in the water now. The pool had buckets that filled up and then dumped water and Laneah would go right underneath them and let them spill on her. Some kids never mind that kind of thing; for Laneah, it is huge.
Brooklyn loved the pool. She played and splashed and had a great time. She also enjoyed playing with Sienna.

Me and Jess with the babies.
 The pool was lots of fun. It was just nice to be in the water. I can't wait for summer, but at least we got a taste of it.


Nana said...

It is great that both girls love the water! That looks like a fun place to go. Brooklyn looks sooooooo Cute in that swimsuit!! I'm getting more and more excited to see you all!

Laura and Chris said...

this looks like so much fun and not very crowded? when is a good time to go?

Heather said...

We love indoor pools! Especially in the winter when you haven't been able to enjoy the water for so long. Lookin hot in the swimsuit, Mama!