Sunday, February 27, 2011

Disney on Ice

Last weekend Laneah got to go see Disney on Ice. Our neighbor's had an extra ticket and their daughter Ezra wanted to bring Laneah. Laneah was so excited to go. She loves Ezra and Ezra's family. Both the girls needed some convincing to dress up, which was funny because they both love to dress up.Ezra came over to get Laneah.
I was bummed that I couldn't go, but it was nice just to spend the evening with Jason and Brooklyn. Laneah was so excited to go that she almost ran out the door without hugs and kisses!

They stopped and got some Chick Fil A and the of course Laneah loved that.

 The girls making silly faces.
Then they rode the Metro to DC. Laneah hadn't been on the Metro in a long time so it was quite and adventure but she did well.
 The girlies getting ready for the show to start.
 The show started and Laneah started dancing and screaming and laughing. Oh my goodness, I can just picture her at a Justin Bieber concert. She is going to be one of those in the front screaming, lol.
 Waving to Mickey and Minnie, her favorite.
 Melissa, Ezra's mom, said the show was spectacular.
Apparently Laneah did really well and had so much fun. They got home late and both of the girls had passed out on the way home. 
Laneah has talked about it all week. We will definitely be taking both of the girls next year.


Nana said...

Those are great pictures! It was so wonderful that your friends took her. When I talked to laneah the next day she was so excited and told me all about how much fun she had!

Heather said...

That was nice of your friend. We're taking Isabella in 3 weeks, and are SO looking forward to it. I can see her at a Justin Bieber concert, too. :) Does she have a t-shirt yet? :)