Monday, September 6, 2010


 Well Labor Day Weekend has been a busy one. We have had birthday parties, parades, time at the pool,  & football games, but probably the most fun was Laneah's first "camping" adventure. On Saturday night after Jordan's football game Laneah and I (Jason) went over to my grandmother's house where we camped out in the back yard with her Aunt Megan, Uncle Tony and Cousins Anthony, Blake, & Jordan. by the time we got home from the football game it was already Laneah's bedtime so I was not sure we where going to go. But I had already told Laneah about sleeping outside in the tent, and when we got home all Laneah could say was "Go Tent Go Tent", so we went. I had to wake her up twice on the drive over (which is only about 15 minutes) so she would not be cranky when we got there. As soon as we got there I was glad we came. Laneah instantly got excited when she saw everyone. Uncle Tony had gone over earlier and set up everything. They had the fire going and hot dogs cooking. Laneah fed 1/2 of her hot dog to Lottie (the dog). After some general running around and chasing Lotty, it was time to roast marshmellows. 
As with everything Laneah had a lot of fun, although her marshmellow was a little under cooked. Once all the cooking was done we played flashlight tag. 
That was a lot of fun as well. Laneah likes to hide in the dark (usually in the bathroom) and couldn't stop laughing, so she was the first one found each time. About now it was after 10pm, which might be the latest Laneah has ever stayed awake, so we got ready for bed. Laneah loved the tent but at first was scared to sleep in it. Her Aunt Megan got her to fall asleep. 
The night got pretty cold but Laneah would never have known since she took all the blankets. She was also the first one to wake up; it was about 6:30 or so. it wasn't long before she had woken up everyone else up as well. All she wanted to do was go back and forth from Megan & Tony's tent to the boys tent. Everyone was in a pretty good mood. Laneah is definitely a morning person and she was talking her head off and having a good time. After a quick breakfast we packed up to head home. On the way home we got to see some of the horses and cows out on the farms and that topped it off for her. When we got home Laneah told her mom all about "Sleeping In The Tent" and then fell asleep in our bed.


Heather said...

How fun! And the special daddy/daughter time will mean the world to her in the years to come (when she reads your blog).

Al said...

fun! i wish i could have been there.