Sunday, May 16, 2010

Brooklyn is 4 months!

Weight: 12 lbs 5 1/2 oz, 25%
Height: 25", 75%
Head Circumference: 41 cm, 45%
Cuteness: 0ff the charts:)

-Brooklyn is grasping everything she can get her cute chubby hands on, which is usually my hair:) But it is really cute seeing her grab things and hold on. She has a good grip too.
This is a small clip of Brooklyn grabbing and talking to her favorite toy. You can hear Laneah's video "Elmo's Potty Time" in the background. lol

-She rolled over from her tummy to her back on my birthday:) I put her on her tummy and said to her "Are you going to roll over for mommy's birthday?" and then she smiled at me and rolled over! She did it two more times after that too. I couldn't believe it.

-She is sleeping through the night, but only in her swing.
-She still likes to cuddle, but is getting very curious about the world around her and is looking out and around more and facing out in her Bjorn carrier.

-Brooklyn prefers her fingers to pacifiers.
-She drools so much that we have to keep a bib on her all the time or her clothes get soaked. I don't know how she doesn't get dehydrated with how much she drools! :)

-She is laughing now and likes to play games like tracking her toys. She likes when I lightly run a burp cloth over her face so she can't see for a few seconds. She also likes when we sing silly songs. This is Jason singing to her:

-Brooklyn really likes bouncing and jumping right now, as well as sitting up like a big girl.

Brooklyn is so cute and sweet. I know I say this every time, but I literally can not get enough of her. She is such a good baby and so lovable. This is my favorite age and I hope it slows down but I know it won't so I am trying to cherish every moment.


Caroline said...

She is too cute!

Nana said...

She is soooo precious!!! I have to say my grand-babies are the most beautiful baby girls in the whole world!! I can't wait to hold Brooklyn and kiss that dimple in her cheek. Give them both kisses from me!

Heather said...

I love her outfits, especially the red polka dot one and the striped pants. She's lucky to have such a fashionable mommy! She gets cuter with every month. And I love that she's a thumb/finger sucker!

Al said...

it's weird to think she's already 4 months old now! and i'm so excited to you all in a couple weeks! :D love ya!

Christy and Jereme said...

I can't wait to see her and all of you in a couple weeks! She is so adorable! :D