Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Big Girl Room

Laneah is officially out of her nursery and in her big girl room. I am so excited and I love her new room. It is purple and green and decorated with butterflies.

The lighting made it hard to get the colors right in the picture, but this is what the room looks like from the door.

Corner of the room by the door.
Toy/book corner of the room. She even has a little chair to sit in and read. Note I still need a picture to put in the large frame:)
Which she loves.
This part of the room is by the closet. We got her a little table with chairs to do puzzles, color and have tea parties. The sign has her name in white larger letters, and over it in small purple letters it says "little girls have a magic all their own"

Her bed. We got this sleigh bed with a trundle for a great price on Craigslist and it is really cute. I really wanted to get her a trundle so when she is a little older and has sleepovers, her friends have a bed to sleep in. The vinyl on the wall says "Butterfly Kisses"
She slept in the room last night for the first time and did great:)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Laneah decided that she wanted to pick out her clothes today and was very adamant about it. She chose a lime green shirt, her pink frilly tutu and her polka dot rain boots. She was all smiles until I turned on the camera.

This is what she looks like when I bring out the camera. She immediately starts screaming because she wants to look at pictures. She doesn't understand that I need to take pictures in order for her to look at pictures! It is frustrating because I can't get any cute pictures of her anymore unless.......

Plan B: Go outside and then I can take some pictures without the crying:)
She wanted to blow some bubbles
She knows how to blow out of her mouth, but she also likes to shake the wand really fast and make the bubbles come out that way.
This is one of her favorite facial expressions. She usually makes it when she is being ornery.
Whenever she sees flowers, she has to smell them and then she says "mmm".

I am very proud of my independent little girl and her new sense of fashion:)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Just Monkeying Around

I took Laneah for a walk yesterday, and since she can run off really fast and likes to dart into the streets and parking lots, I had her wear the monkey harness. She loved having the monkey on her back, she thought it was really funny.
I love this picture of her.

After our walk, she wanted to keep it on and play in front of the house.

She played with some chalk.
And did some somersaults
And rolled around in the grass
She just looked so cute in her monkey backpack I couldn't resist taking her pictures. While we were walking up the street towards the school holding hands, we looked at each other, and with her back pack on, I flashed forward to the future when I would be walking her to the school up the street and I teared up. Don't grow up too fast little one.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Music Makers

Today Music Makers started and we were very excited. Music Makers is for kids nursery and preschool age and is lots of fun with singing, dancing, story time and marching band. And the best part is it is a free weekly activity because the moms of the groups take turns with the activities and it is at the church.
Laneah during movement time with a bean bag.

Laneah and Dallas during marching band.
Luke and Danny during singing time getting 'eaten by a snake'.
Laneah and Dallas during singing time.

The kids during dancing time. Everyone had a great time and we can't wait to go back next week.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Its Raining, Its Pouring

Today we had a big rainstorm. As soon as Laneah saw the rain she begged to go outside. We dressed her in her rain coat and rain boots and Jason took her outside to play.
She put her head back to try and catch the rain in her mouth.
Her favorite part of playing in the rain is jumping in the puddles.

Afterwards we put her in her duckie towel and she walked around saying "quack, quack"

The Last Days of Summer

Summer is quickly coming to a close so Saturday we went to the pool for the last time before it closes. Laneah had a great time playing with daddy in the water.
and playing volleyball