Sunday, August 30, 2009

Highlights from St Louis

Laneah and I had a great time in St Louis spending time with Nana, Poppa, Aunt Christy and the Uncles. My sister and two of my brothers play the guitar and Laneah wants them to play for her all the time. She also likes to help them or play on her own.My parents bought Laneah a little turtle kiddie pool while we were there. The turtle squirts water out of its head and Laneah liked to think of it as her own personal drinking fountain.
We went to the Butterfly House of course, which was lots of fun. I think Laneah enjoyed it this time more than any other time, but it was hard to take pictures because she was running so fast yelling "bufly, bufly!"
She put on her new dress shoes and rain boots whenever she could if she wasn't wearing any of our shoes.
One day when my parents were working I took her to Bounce U, which is a place just full of inflatable bouncers, slides and obstacle courses. Laneah loved bouncing, but of course mostly wanted to be anywhere the balls were. I went down some of the slides with her (they were really fast) and she thought that was really fun too.

And of course it wouldn't be a trip to Missouri with out some crazy thunderstorms. Laneah had so much fun playing in the rain and jumping in the puddles. Luckily for me, the uncles were there to play in the rain with her:)
We had lots of fun and we miss everyone!


Nana said...


Heather said...

Those boots are so cute! I bet that your family is already missing you guys. I bet that Laneah has them all wrapped around her cute little finger, doesn't she?