Sunday, July 19, 2009

Laneah's Dream

About an hour ago, I was ironing, and I felt very inspired to write this poem. The words flooded into my mind, and I knew that I had to write it down right away, so I kicked Jason off the computer:) This poem is based on a dream that I had about Laneah while we were working on our adoption papers. I knew it wasn't an ordinary dream, and when she was a couple months old, she was sleeping in our bed, and dressed and wrapped in blankets, and was even in the same position that she was in my dream. In his wisdom, to ease my pain and longing, Heavenly Father had given me a glimpse of the beautiful future I was to have.

Laneah’s Dream

Before you existed, I dreamed of you
Wrapped in blankets, so tiny, so new
In the morning, I woke with a start
A sweet baby girl; I knew in my heart

Meanwhile, your birthmother knew she loved you
“Adoption will be hard, but it is what I must do”
She made a plan, self less and strong
And stuck by it, even when people told her she was wrong

A few months later, as I held you tight
I thought that my life had changed forever, and boy was I right
Then one day, as you slept soundly in bed,
I remembered my dream; for you see, it’s forever in my head

There you were, wrapped in blankets, so tiny, so new
Looking the exact same as my dream, its true
All the heartache and longing we had been through,
Was worth it all, because now we had you.


Melanie said...

That gave me chills! Thank you for sharing. That's so special.

I remember you telling me, before you 'knew' the sex, that you knew it was a girl.

Caroline said...

What a wonderful poem. It was very inspired. Thanks for sharing!

Leslie said...

I love that it just came to you! You are a gifted writer! Thanks for sharing!

J, E, M & I said...

I loved that!

Michelle said...

That was really nice....I even cried! This will be something she will cherish the rest of her life!

Heather said...

Beautiful poem. Laneah will love reading this one day.

The Gould Family said...

that made me cry! so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful Rachel! Thats one of the best poems I've ever read. I loved it!