Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Kidsinger Jim

Once a month, Kidsinger Jim comes to our local mall and plays music for kids. It is a lot of fun. He sings great songs and the kids love him. They also have a lady that paints kid's faces and gift card drawings for kid's clothing stores.

This month, we went with Kami and her kids, Dallas (2) and Scarlette (10 months). Dallas and Laneah love playing together and Dallas calls her "Neaha". This month Kidsinger Jim had a stage, but he still likes to go out into the crowd and sing to the kids.
Laneah and Dallas loved the stage, but they kept trying to climb onto it.

Dallas was copying everything that Laneah did, it was really cute. He even laid on the ground with her after one of her temper tantrums:)

We had a great time and both Kami and I bought his cds after the show. Can't wait for next month:) Below are a couple really short video clips of Dallas and Laneah dancing.


Nana said...

I can't believe how much Laneah has grown! I miss her so much. She and Dallas are so cute together.

Kandice said...

Seriously so cute! I love them dancing. HA! Laneah is growing up! She is a doll.

Heather said...

She is such a doll. She did NOT have a tantrum...not your little angel :) That personality will serve her well later in life--promise. Love her.

Kami said...

Love it! That was so fun, I can't wait to go next month. I will have to take my camera next month. I love what good buddies she is with Dallas, so cute.