Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July

4th of July was a lot of fun. Laneah looked really cute in her "little sparkler" shirt. She loved the little flags we got her and kept waving them around.
In the afternoon we went to the parade with Jason's cousin Brandon and his wife and daughter, Amanda and Tessa.

While we waited for the parade started, we got some yummy ice cream.

Laneah really enjoyed the parade. She kept laughing and clapping.

The parade had lots of different bands...these guys were dressed up like colonials.

They had a big group of dogs in the parade, Laneah really liked that.

And Santa came with his red, white and blue beard!

They even had belly dancers!
After the parade, we got something to eat and came out just in time for fireworks.


Kandice said...

I love that ice cream picture. Looks like the parade was great. Rachel, I would love to call you, but I don't have your number either (my phone broke.) 801.698.2258. Talk to you soon!

Giron Family said...

Yum that ice cream looked delish!
Lanea looked so cute decked out in her gymboree outfit and the curlies in her hair...adorable!
So cool that even Santa was there! My girls would have loved that!!!

Heather said...

Her outfit was super cute, and the family pic is adorable, too. Have you ever noticed that most of the belly dancers who perform are women who should NOT be belly dancers???

Nana said...

Laneah is such a fun loving,happy baby girl! I wish I could have been there to see the excitement in her sweet face.At least you take great pictures and that helps.Tell laneah to keep calling me I love her voice!The kisses over the phone are great too!I love you all.