Sunday, July 12, 2009

18 Months

Laneah has been 18 months for a couple of weeks now, but we just had her 18 month check up this week.
Weight: 23 lbs, 12 ounces - 40 percentile
Height: 33" - 80 percentile

Favorite songs:
'Eat Your Veggies' by Kidsinger Jim, The 'ABC' song, and 'I Love You' song from Barney

New words this month:

Hot- all food is "hot" and she has to blow on it before she eats
No- favorite word
"Boon"- Balloon
"Nana" - Grandma and bananas
Drink- she also has a hand sign for drink
"Meow Meow"- when asked what a kitty says
"Oink, Oink" - When asked what a pig says
"Dal"- Dallas, her best buddy
Uh oh
"dank ew"-thank you
"Mmm...num, num" -when she eats something yummy

She had her first bubble bath.

She learned how to climb out of her crib and thinks it is a really funny game. It makes nap time and night time a big pain. Last night we put her in her crib to go to sleep at 9 pm, she climbed out of her crib repeatedly with us continually putting her back in her crib, until 10:30!!!!

She can undress herself and does it often:) She wants to be a nudey baby!

Laneah thinks jumping is lots of fun, she just can't make it off the ground. She bends her knees and raises really fast onto her tippy toes. She also likes to watch other kids jump.

She started coloring. She enjoys it, but mommy not so much, because Laneah is more interested in eating the crayons than in coloring.

She likes to help mommy cook, especially as a taste tester:)

Laneah loves to do somersaults. She is actually pretty good at it.

Laneah is learning all about body parts; ears, eyes, nose; but her favorite is the belly button. She loves showing her belly button and finding mommy and daddy's belly buttons. Also, if you ask her where her nose is, she sticks her finger up her nose.

Trying on mommy and daddy's shoes is a favorite activity.

Stuffed animals are now Laneah's friends. She has a kitty that she is especially attached to and takes it around with her often and sleeps with it.

Laneah is all about water and wants to play in the water all the time. It is great except if you leave her unattended for a few seconds and she will climb into the toilet. Ew, she has done it three times this week. I am going to have to get those toilet locks.

She is so much fun, even when she is ornery and we love her so much!


Kandice said...

So cute! Gotta love when they start climbing out of their cribs. Love the bubble bath too.

Michelle said...

Love how she is now undressing herself! Wait till she will dress herself and pick out her own outfits! Climbing out of her crib...looks like she might like a toddler bed :) This is a fun age, challenging at times but so much fun.

Nana said...

Laneah is so much like you ,Rachel. Sleeping was always such a hard thing for you. You just didn't want to miss anything! You always loved water too, but you never climbed into the toilet thank goodness! I can't believe how big our beautiful little baby is getting!! I sure miss you guys. I love you.

Heather said...

She climbs in the toilet!?! Mommy loves that, I'm sure. She sounds like such a fun little girl--sugar and spice as you say :)