Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Florida Vacation part 1: The Beaches

We had a great time on our trip to Florida. The weather was super hot and muggy, but it was sunny and beautiful there. The beaches on the gulf are amazing with their clear blue tinted water, white sand and lots of seashells. Plus the water is really warm! The water was almost the same temperature as the air! We stayed in Tampa but went to Clearwater, Sarasota and Orlando too. Clearwater is my favorite beach to go to in Florida (but I have never been further south than Orlando), so we went to this beach a couple of times. They have a really nice playground for kids, a pier, places to eat and shop, volleyball nets, and most of all, it's just an awesome beach.

We weren't sure how Laneah would react to the beach and the water, but we were hopeful that she would be a beach lover like we are. And we got lucky. As soon as we got to the beach she ran straight for the water. We had to hold her back to slather her in sunscreen:)

It was so sunny and bright that she couldn't look up without squinting. Lol.

She had a lot of fun playing in the water with daddy. She actually liked the waves as long as the salt water didn't get in her eyes. She also liked us taking her out into the water and "jumping" over the waves. She also had fun pushing our heads under the water:)

We brought a ball to the beach with us, and she sat down and we put the ball in the water. She thought it was so funny that the water would bring the ball right back to her.

While we were there, we bought her this cute little wagon set with a pail and some beach toys. She had so much fun pulling the wagon on the beach and through the water.

And of course mommy played too
Florida we miss you!


Caroline said...

Oh what I would give to be on a warm, sandy beach. I am super jealous. It looks like you had a lot of fun. You're little girl is growing up so fast!