Monday, May 4, 2009

Budding Artist

Today I had Laneah try finger painting for the first time. I used vanilla pudding separated into little containers and added food coloring. No surprise that she loved it since she loves to make messes:)
She looked at me when she ate it excepting me to tell her "no".
She is thrilled that she is allowed to eat the "paint".
She got covered head to toe in pudding (I didn't get pictures after she dumped a container of pudding on her head. We went to the bath pretty quickly after that:)
The Masterpiece!

It was a fun day, and Laneah loved it so we will be finger painting a lot this summer:)


Nana said...

What a fun way to let Laneah play! You can tell by her big beautiful smile she had a great time. Only on e week before I get to hold her in my arms!!

Melanie said...

You are such a good Mom! What a great idea. She's lucky to have such a fun mom.

Michelle said...

What a great idea! I never thought of using pudding to paint with....we will have to try it!

Denae said...

Congratulations on working towards adopting again! So exciting!!! Leneah is so old! And her hair is so long. What a sweet girl.
When is it you are visiting?? I can't remember, but I want to be sure we meet up.