Saturday, April 25, 2009

What Happened to Spring?

It went from cold to chilly to hot! Today was in the 90s and humid! Hopefully spring will make a comeback. I had to go outside to water my flowers and Laneah came with me because she loves to be outside and therefore no one can go outside without her:) She thought that the water spray from the hose was so fun. She put her hand out to feel it first, then both hands and then her legs and then she ran through it and was laughing hysterically. I had Jason come out and film a little of it. I guess I will have to get a sprinkler for the summer:)

In other news, Laneah learned how to twirl and spin last week and also thinks it is really funny. She spins and spins until she is dizzy and falls over. She also added the moonwalk to her dance routine...I have no idea where she got the idea from, but one day she was dancing and then just started walking backwards. I have been trying to get it on film, but no luck yet, I will keep trying. I have a short video of her spinning though....just don't mind the bra on the floor...haha

Laneah has been showing off her belly and belly button lately. She especially likes to show her "friend" in the mirror. This video is really funny.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Swim Lessons

This week Laneah and I started 'Mommy and Me' swim lessons. Laneah has never been a fan of water, and since summer is coming up, we thought it would be a good idea to get her into the water to adjust. They just built this swim school close to our house and it is really great. The pool is heated and very warm. They have locker rooms as well as individual changing rooms. They had to delay the opening of the school for nearly a month because of construction issues, so we had to make up some classes. I thought it would be nice if Jason could take her so he could spend some time with her in the pool (there are classes are offered in the evening too and of course, dads are welcome). Jason and Laneah both had a good time. Laneah has already improved in her acceptance of the water. Some of the pictures aren't very good quality because I had to take them through the glass (you aren't allowed in the pool area if you are not swimming; you have to sit in the observation room). But it was fun to watch them interact in the pool. I am really looking forward to the rest of the lessons.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had a fun Easter. I was excited to put together an Easter basket for Laneah. I didn't give her any candy except for a sucker, but I gave her a doll, a book about bunnies, a bunny puppet and some other cute little toys. She has a real sweet tooth and loves chocolate, but I try not to give her very much. I did give her her first sucker because it was a cute pink sucker in the shape of a butterfly. She was really excited about the basket and all of her new toys. And she looked so beautiful in her Easter dress. After church, we ate lunch and took naps and then went over to Jason's grandparent's house for Easter dinner and an Easter egg hunt. Laneah is still too little to care about hunting for eggs, so she just chased the dog and ran around outside while all the boys ran around getting the eggs. It was cold, but at least it was sunny. The dinner was delicious and it was a great day with the family. There were quite a few cute pictures so I did a slideshow since I haven't done one in a while:) Love you all, Happy Easter!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Our New Backyard!

We are so blessed! Jason's grandpa's company came and fixed up our back yard this week. The fence was falling down and it was a giant mud pit. Nothing can grow back there because it is such a shady area with all of the trees surrounding the property. So they poured concrete in the back and put up a new fence. It looks wonderful. My parents bought Laneah this cute little playhouse and we got her a slide and an adorable crab sandbox. And today we bought a really nice grill, I can't wait to cook on it! It is so nice to have a fun back yard and Laneah loves it. Thanks Grandpa, Kathy and Uncle Johnny!

This is the part of the back yard that is fixed up. The other side will have the grill and patio furniture.
Ha, Ha, I know, already messy. This kid doesn't waste any time:) I put the slide in the sandbox so she would have something soft to land on. I'm just a little over protective;)
Laneah playing in the sand box. She loves to dump the sand out of the sandbox....I guess I'm going to have to buy more sand:)
It was such a nice day, warm and 65. I was able to put these adorable flip flops on Laneah.
Playing with her play house. I love that it has a picnic table. She loves to sit on the little benches and also pick them up and carry them around.
Apparently, the pretend food tastes really good:)
Laneah loves the door to the play house. It also has a doorbell that has several different rings.
Just having fun, enjoying the new back yard:)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The National Zoo

While my mom and sister were in town, we went to the National Zoo in D.C. The weather was supposed to be nice, but it ended up being cold with a misty rain; I ended up buying a sweat shirt at the gift shop because I was so cold. We still had a great time though. We took the Metro into the city and Laneah thought it was a fun ride. Every time we would start moving she would throw her arms in the air and say "weeee!" Laneah loved looking at all the animals. They have a kids farm at the zoo and Laneah ran from one fence to the other looking at all the farm animals.

I thought that the coolest part of the zoo was the Orangutan crossing. They actually call it the "O Line", like it is a Metro line. They built this tower in the Orangutan cage and the Orangutans can climb to the top of the tower and then climb to 8 other towers throughout the zoo. As we were leaving the zoo, we saw this sign and laughed and decided to take a picture. While we were taking the picture, an Orangutan started climbing directly over us. We got a cool video of it and I posted it below.

Laneah was so tired from running around that she passed out on the Metro ride home. She loved the zoo so I imagine that we will be going plenty more times this summer.